Modelling and Analysis of Electromagnetic
Interferences for a 32-bit Digital Signal Controller
Zhou Changlin
, Wang Jianmin
, Pan Xiangfeng
, Gao Fei
, Yu Daojie
Zhengzhou Information Science and Technology Institue
P. O. Box 2201-180, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450001, China
Abstract—This paper presents the modelling and analysis of
electromagnetic interferences (EMI) for a 32-bit digital signal
controller (DSC) that enables uncompromising performance and
real-time control applications for high electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) requirement. The EMI behaviour model of
the DSC for conducted emission, built upon the package and chip
dies, is used to predict the EM emissions of the chip and printed
circuit board (PCB) levels. The characterization of EMI has been
analyzed by circuital simulations and conducted emission
measurements according to the EMC model. It is successfully
demonstrated that the simulated results are consistent with the
predictions generated by using the proposed model. And the
DSCs chip model, simulation and measurement of the EMI are
necessary for the analysis, prediction, and compatibility of the
PCB and systems design.
Keywords-electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), integrated
circuit (IC), digital signal controllers (DSCs), electromagnetic
interference (EMI), electromagnetic emission model, conducted
emission measurement.
With the continuous trend towards integrated circuit (IC)
technology and increased integration of complex electronic
functions in critical applications, ensuring the electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) of electronic systems is a great challenge
[1].The EMC of these systems has risen importantly as low
emissions and high immunity to electromagnetic interferences
(EMI) in overall electronic components or IC performance [2].
There are growing demands for low emission IC, applying for
low EMI design rules and requiring for efficient technological
with optimum value and placement for the decoupling
capacitance and bulk isolation for reducing emission [3],[4].
However, these issues require accurate EMI models, adequate
simulation analysis and EMI prediction methodology [5]-[7].
Most of the high EMC performance systems include some
microprocessors or microcontrollers, such as the digital signal
controllers (DSCs) combined the digital signal processors
(DSPs) and microcontrollers (MCUs), and request from
systems aiming at ensuring the EMC performance [8].
TMS320C28x 32-bit DSC devices currently have higher
central processing unit (CPU) performance and integration of
advanced high-speed peripherals, and have increased more
challenges in achieving EMC compliance [7],[9]. This paper
is focused on the EMI analysis, modelling and prediction for
the 32-bit DSC and two main sections. Section II describes the
DSC devices electromagnetic functional blocks and model
architecture. The DSC EMI model, emission simulation
analysis, decoupling capacitance optimization and reliable
EMC prediction are discussed in Section III.
The TMS320C28x 32-bit DSC includes high performance
CPU and multiple complex peripherals running at fairly high-
clock frequencies generating an amount of noise [8],[9]. The
EMI behaviors are caused by the high-speed switching circuits
through the power supply network, the ground network,
external interface and I/O pins.
A. Electromagnetic Functional Characterization
The DSC electromagnetic performances related to clock
generation, power supply, interfacing of peripherals with
special attention to analog-to-digital converter (ADC),
general-purpose input/output (GPIO) connections, and EMI
considerations. The parasitic emission on chip due to the CPU
clock and other digital circuit is continuously increased, and
may jeopardize the correct behavior. The basic noise sources,
coupling path and victim, receptor coexist in circuits or
devices. The DSC devices are highly integrated, high-
performance and its performance features, as shown in table ȱ.
Features Description
Static CMOS
y 150 MHz (6.67ns Cycle Time)
y Low-Power (1.9V Core @150MHz, 3.3V I/O)
32-Bit CPU (C28x)
y 16x 16 and 32 x 32 MAC Operations
y Harvard Bus Architecture
y Fast Interrupt Response and Processing
On-Chip Memory y Flash Devices: 128K x 16 Flash
y ROM Devices: 128K x 16 ROM
y Single-Access RAM:36Kx16 SARAM
Clock and System
y Dynamic PLL-based Clock Module
y On-Chip Oscillator˖20-35MHz
y Watchdog Timer Module
On-Chip Analog-to-
Digital Converter
y 12-Bit ADC, 16 Channels
y Fast Conversion Rate: 80 ns at ADC clock 25MHz
External Interface and
Peripheral I/O
y 56 General Purpose I/O Pins, Speed Limit 20MHz
y Multiple Peripherals Port and Clock 20MHz
The DSC normal pin assignments are the 179-pin ball grid
array (BGA) package or the 176-pin low-profile quad flat-
978-1-4673-1800-6/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE