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The SASAKI Malaysia Forest City conceptual master plan aims to create a sustainable and vibrant urban forest community within the Iskandar region of Malaysia. The plan, as outlined in the document, focuses on the development of two main areas with a strong emphasis on preserving and enhancing the natural environment.
The overall vision for the project is to create a city that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding forest, providing a harmonious balance between urban development and nature. The planning principles include creating green corridors and parks throughout the city, ensuring a high level of biodiversity, and incorporating eco-friendly design elements into the infrastructure.
The first area of focus in the master plan is the establishment of a central business district that serves as the economic and cultural hub of the city. This district will feature mixed-use developments, including commercial spaces, residential areas, and recreational facilities, all of which will be surrounded by green spaces and pedestrian-friendly streets.
The second area outlined in the plan is the development of residential neighborhoods that offer a variety of housing options to accommodate different lifestyles and income levels. These neighborhoods will be designed with a focus on sustainable living, incorporating green building practices, energy-efficient technologies, and access to public transportation.
Overall, the SASAKI Malaysia Forest City conceptual master plan provides a comprehensive vision for a modern and environmentally conscious urban community. By prioritizing the preservation of the natural environment and integrating green spaces throughout the city, the project aims to create a unique and sustainable living experience for residents and visitors alike.
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