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教育移动互联网广告分析.ppt中提到了移动互联网行业数字简述、移动应用广告的发展现状、典型移动应用广告平台分析、丰富的广告展现形式、多种付费形式和未来广告形式分享。根据内容,我们可以看到,移动互联网行业在2012年已经迅速发展,国内iOS和Android活跃用户数量庞大,移动互联网用户达到了5.7亿。移动应用广告平台的营收规模不断增长,google admob、多盟、vppm成为了主要的广告主。然而,在市场培育期,移动应用广告还面临着一些挑战,比如品牌广告主认知度不高、用户体验被影响等问题。典型的移动应用广告平台ADMOB具有全球化投放、专业监测公司协助效果监测和数据分析等优势。同时,ADMOB与ADWORDS打通,实现了桌面互联网广告和移动互联网广告的同时投放。随着移动互联网行业的不断发展,未来的广告形式也将不断创新。Overall, the presentation on education mobile internet advertising analysis provides insights into the digital landscape of the mobile internet industry, the current status of mobile app advertising, analysis of typical mobile app advertising platforms, diverse advertising formats, various payment methods, and sharing of future advertising formats. In 2012, the mobile internet industry witnessed significant growth with a vast number of active users on iOS and Android platforms in China. The mobile app advertising platforms experienced substantial revenue growth, with Google AdMob, Domob, and VPPM emerging as top players. Challenges such as low awareness among brand advertisers and concerns about impacting user experience were observed during the market incubation period. The analysis of the typical mobile app advertising platform AdMob highlighted its advantages of global reach, professional monitoring for effectiveness, and data analysis with integration to AdWords for simultaneous advertising on desktop and mobile platforms. As the mobile internet industry continues to evolve, innovative advertising formats are expected to shape the future landscape.
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