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本篇演讲PPT来自2015年OpenStack Summit,由Haomai Wang和Sage Weil 主讲,主题为"OpenStack Ceph和Containers:保持存储趋势活力"。他们深入探讨了Ceph在OpenStack生态系统中的未来发展趋势,特别是与块存储、文件存储以及容器技术(如Kubernetes和Docker)的整合。 首先,演讲开始于对当前Web应用程序环境的概述,指出云提供了多样化的选择,包括虚拟机(如KVM和Xen)、容器(如lxc和Docker)等不同的计算方式。存储选项也多种多样,包括块存储(虚拟磁盘)、文件共享、对象存储(RESTful API)、键值存储以及关系型和非关系型数据库。 演讲者强调了容器技术的优势,主要体现在性能上,比如共享内核带来的更快启动速度、更低的基础架构开销,以及更有效的资源共享。存储方面,共享内核使得I/O操作更为高效,而小尺寸镜像则便于快速部署。此外,新兴的容器主机操作系统如Atomic、CoreOS和基于systemd、etcd和fleet的解决方案也得到了提及,它们为新的应用程序部署模型提供了支持,例如单一服务容器和独立执行环境。 然而,演讲者也讨论了为什么在某些情况下不选择容器技术,例如安全问题。虽然共享内核带来了性能提升,但也可能导致一定程度的隔离不足,增加了潜在的风险。演讲者提出了对容器安全性的挑战,并可能探讨了如何通过改进技术和实践来解决这些问题。 演讲的议程还包括对Ceph在OpenStack中的角色和应用的详细解读,特别是其块和文件接口的集成。这可能涵盖了Ceph如何提供灵活、可扩展的存储服务,以适应容器化环境的需求,以及如何与其他OpenStack项目协同工作,如Nova(计算)、Swift(对象存储)等,以构建全面的云计算基础设施。 最后,演讲总结了Ceph和容器技术如何相互促进,以及在OpenStack生态系统中推动未来的发展趋势。整体来说,这份PPT内容丰富,深入剖析了Ceph在容器化世界中的定位和价值,对于理解OpenStack和Ceph在现代云环境中如何整合与进化具有重要意义。
2018-07-12 上传
Book Description Containers are one of the most talked about technologies of recent times. They have become increasingly popular as they are changing the way we develop, deploy, and run software applications. OpenStack gets tremendous traction as it is used by many organizations across the globe and as containers gain in popularity and become complex, it’s necessary for OpenStack to provide various infrastructure resources for containers, such as compute, network, and storage. Containers in OpenStack answers the question, how can OpenStack keep ahead of the increasing challenges of container technology? You will start by getting familiar with container and OpenStack basics, so that you understand how the container ecosystem and OpenStack work together. To understand networking, managing application services and deployment tools, the book has dedicated chapters for different OpenStack projects: Magnum, Zun, Kuryr, Murano, and Kolla. Towards the end, you will be introduced to some best practices to secure your containers and COE on OpenStack, with an overview of using each OpenStack projects for different use cases. Table of Contents 1: WORKING WITH CONTAINERS 2: WORKING WITH CONTAINER ORCHESTRATION ENGINES 3: OPENSTACK ARCHITECTURE 4: CONTAINERIZATION IN OPENSTACK 5: MAGNUM – COE MANAGEMENT IN OPENSTACK 6: ZUN – CONTAINER MANAGEMENT IN OPENSTACK 7: KURYR – CONTAINER PLUGIN FOR OPENSTACK NETWORKING 8: MURANO – CONTAINERIZED APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT ON OPENSTACK 9: KOLLA – CONTAINERIZED DEPLOYMENT OF OPENSTACK 10: BEST PRACTICES FOR CONTAINERS AND OPENSTACK What You Will Learn Understand the role of containers in the OpenStack ecosystem Learn about containers and different types of container runtimes tools. Understand containerization in OpenStack with respect to the deployment framework, platform services, application deployment, and security Get skilled in using OpenStack to run your applications inside containers Explore the best practices of using containers in OpenStack.