4 www.xilinx.com ISE Simulator (ISim) In-Depth Tutorial
UG682 (v1.0) April 27, 2009
Design Description
Design Description
The ISim In-Depth Tutorial provides a design which the reader can use to become familiar
performing some basic simulation steps while using the ISim software.
The tutorial design is a simple demonstration of the Dynamic Reconfiguration feature of
the Virtex
-5 Digital Clock Manager (DCM).
Using the Virtex-5 DCM, the design generates an output clock using the following
Output Clock = Input Clock * (Multiplier / Divider)
Using the Dynamic Reconfiguration Ports (DRP) in the DCM, the design allows the user to
re-define the Multiplier and Divider parameters to generate different output frequencies.
Functional Blocks
The tutorial design consists of the following functional blocks.
• drp_dcm (drp_dcm.vhd)
Virtex-5 DCM macro with internal feedback, frequency controlled output, duty-cycle
correction, and Dynamic Reconfiguration ability.
The CLKFX_OUT output provides a clock that is defined by the following
CLKFX_OUT = CLKIN_IN * (Multiplier/Divider)
For example, using a 100 MHz input clock, setting the Multiplier factor to 6, and
Divider factor to 5, produces a 120 MHz CLKFX_OUT output clock.
Using the DRP ports of the DCM, the Multiplier (M) and Divider (D) parameters can
be dynamically redefined to produce different CLKFX_OUT frequencies. For the
purposes of this tutorial, it suffices to show how the Multiply and Divide parameters
are provided to the DCM via the 16-bit wide DI_IN port:
DI_IN[15:8] = M – 1
DI_IN[7:0] = D – 1
For example, for an M/D factor of 6 / 5, DI_IN = 0504h.
• drp_stmach (drp_stmach.vhd)
This module describes a Dynamic Reconfiguration Controller. The DRP controller
asserts and monitors the DCM DRP signals in order to perform a dynamic
reconfiguration cycle.
A dynamic reconfiguration cycle is started by asserting the drp_start signal. Following
this step, the DRP Controller asserts the appropriate DCM DRP pins in order to
complete a full Dynamic Reconfiguration cycle.
Signal drp_done indicates a successful completion of a dynamic reconfiguration cycle.
• drp_demo (drp_demo.vhd)
This is the top module of the tutorial design which connects the DCM macro and the
DRP controller modules to the external I/O ports.
• drp_demo_tb (drp_demo_tb.vhd)
Self-checking HDL test bench. Refer to Design Self-Checking Test Bench for more