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"电力IEC60870-5-104规约是中国国家经济贸易委员会发布的,等同采用IEC60870-5-104:2000标准,用于电力系统远程监控设备和系统的通信协议。这个规约是IEC60870-5系列标准的一部分,旨在提供一个基于TCP/IP网络的传输层协议,以支持IEC60870-5-101的应用。 IEC60870-5-104规约主要关注的是报文结构和网络通信,是电力自动化系统如能量管理系统(EMS)、监控与数据采集(SCADA)和配电自动化系统中常用的标准。它的设计目标是提高数据传输的可靠性和效率,适应现代电力系统的复杂需求。 104规约基于标准传输文件集,允许IEC60870-5-101的数据在IP网络上进行传输,这增加了远程通信的灵活性和互操作性。它使用TCP作为传输层协议,确保了数据包的顺序和完整性,同时提供了错误检测和重传机制。 此规约与其他IEC60870-5系列标准一起构成了完整的通信体系,包括传输帧格式(IEC60870-5-1)、链路传输规则(IEC60870-5-2)、应用数据结构(IEC60870-5-3)、应用信息元素定义和编码(IEC60870-5-4)以及基本应用功能(IEC60870-5-5)。这些标准共同定义了电力系统中远动设备的通信协议,确保不同厂商设备之间的兼容性。 在中国,一系列配套标准也已制定,如DL/T634对应基本远动任务,DL/T719处理电力系统电能累计量传输,而DL/T667则规定了继电保护设备的信息接口,这些都是基于或等同于相应的IEC60870-5标准。 学习104规约需要理解其报文结构,包括控制域、地址域、信息域和校验域等关键部分,并通过实际报文的解析和比对来深入掌握其工作原理。这个过程可能需要对TCP/IP协议栈有基本的了解,以及熟悉电力系统中的数据交换模式。" 以上内容详述了电力IEC60870-5-104规约的背景、目的、组成部分以及在中国的相关配套标准,展现了这一规约在电力自动化系统通信中的重要地位。
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IEC 60870 part 5 [1] is one of the IEC 60870 set of standards which define systems used for telecontrol (supervisory control and data acquisition) in electrical engineering and power system automation applications. Part 5 provides a communication profile for sending basic telecontrol messages between two systems, which uses permanent directly connected data circuits between the systems. The IEC Technical Committee 57 (Working Group 03) have developed a protocol standard for telecontrol, teleprotection, and associated telecommunications for electric power systems. The result of this work is IEC 60870-5. Five documents specify the base IEC 60870-5: IEC 60870-5-1 Transmission Frame Formats IEC 60870-5-2 Data Link Transmission Services IEC 60870-5-3 General Structure of Application Data IEC 60870-5-4 Definition and Coding of Information Elements IEC 60870-5-5 Basic Application Functions IEC 60870-5-6 Guidelines for conformance testing for the IEC 60870-5 companion standards IEC TS 60870-5-7 Security extensions to IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 protocols (applying IEC 62351) The IEC Technical Committee 57 has also generated companion standards: IEC 60870-5-101 Transmission Protocols - companion standards especially for basic telecontrol tasks IEC 60870-5-102 Transmission Protocols - Companion standard for the transmission of integrated totals in electric power systems (this standard is not widely used) IEC 60870-5-103 Transmission Protocols - Companion standard for the informative interface of protection equipment IEC 60870-5-104 Transmission Protocols - Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles IEC TS 60870-5-601 Transmission protocols - Conformance test cases for the IEC 60870-5-101 companion standard IEC TS 60870-5-604 Conformance test cases for the IEC 60870-5-104 companion standard IEC 60870-5-101/102/103/104 are companion standards generated for basic telecontrol tasks, transmission of integrated totals, data exchange from protection equipment & network access of IEC101 respectively.