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In today's large-scale manufacturing industry, enterprises are increasingly focusing on the automation of production processes in order to improve efficiency and ensure product quality. Industrial robotic arms are becoming more widely accepted and adopted as important members of automated production lines. The technological level and application of industrial robotic arms to a certain extent reflect a country's level of industrial automation. Currently, industrial robots mainly undertake important and labor-intensive tasks such as welding, painting, handling, and stacking, with programming typically done online. This paper will design a four-degree-of-freedom industrial robotic arm for transporting materials to punching equipment. Firstly, the paper will design the structure of the industrial robot, including the base, hand, wrist, and arm. Then, suitable transmission methods and driving methods will be selected to build the structural platform of the industrial robot. On this basis, the paper will design the control system of the robotic arm, including the selection of data acquisition cards and servo amplifiers, feedback methods and elements, design of terminal board circuits, and control software. The focus will be on enhancing the reliability of the control software and the safety of the robotic arm operation. The ultimate goal is to achieve servo control and real-time detection of joint brake problems, monitor the motion of each joint of the robotic arm, program and modify the robotic arm through teaching, set reference points, and return reference points. Keywords: robotic arm; programming by teaching; servo control; brake.
2011-05-07 上传
毕业设计机械手说明书 共37页 目录 目录.........................................................1 文摘.........................................................3 Abstract.....................................................3 第一章 绪论 1.1 机械手概述.............................................4 1.2 机械手的组成和分类.....................................4 1.2.1 机械手的组成. 1.2.2 机械手的分类 1.3 国内外发展状况.. ...........................................................................................7 1.4 课题的提出及主要任务………………………………………………8 1.4.1 课题的提出 1.4.2 课题的主要任务 第二章 机械手的设计方案 2.1 机械手的座标型式与自由度……………………………………….10 2.2 机械手的手部结构方案设计……………………………………….11 2.3 机械手的手腕结构方案设计………………………………………..12 2.4 机械手的手臂结构方案设计……………………………………….12 2.5 机械手的驱动方案设计…………………………………………….12 2.6 机械手的控制方案设计……………………………………………..12 2.7 机械手的主要参数…………………………………………………..12 2.8 机械手的技术参数列表……………………………………………12 第三章 手部结构设计 3.1 夹持式手部结构…………………………………………………….14 3.1.1 手指的形状和分类 3.1.2 设计时考虑的几个问题 3.1.3 手部夹紧气缸的设计 第四章 手腕结构设计 4.1 手腕的自由度……………………………………………………….18 4.2 手腕的驱动力矩的计算……………………………………………..19 4.2.1 手腕转动时所需的驱动力矩 4.2.2 回转气缸的驱动力矩计算 4.2.3 回转气缸的驱动力矩计算校核 第五章 手臂伸缩,升降,回转气缸的设计与校核 5.1 手臂伸缩部分尺寸设计与校核……………………………………..24 5.1.1 尺寸设计 5.1.2 尺寸校核 5 .1 .3 导向装置 5 .1 .4 平衡装置 5.2 手臂升降部分尺寸设计与校核……………………………………26 5.2.1 尺寸设计 5.2.2 尺寸校核 5.3 手臂回转部分尺寸设计与校核……………………………………27 5.3.1 尺寸设计 5.3.2 尺寸校核 第六章 气动系统设计 6.1 气压传动系统工作原理图…………………………………………29 6.2 气压传动系统工作原理图的参数化绘制…………………………30 第七章 机械手的 PLC 控制设计 7.1 可编程序控制器的选择及工作过程……………………………….31 7.1.1 可编程序控制器的选择 7.1.2 可编程序控制器的工作过程 7.2 可编程序控制器的使用步骤……………………………………….31 7.3 机械手可编程序控制器控制方案…………………………………..32 第八章 结论…………………………………………………………………...36 致谢…………………………………………………………………………….37 参考文献