S. Ahmed, J. S. Thompson and B. Mulgrew
School of Engineering
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 3JL, UK
Y. Petillot
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
A method for generating constant envelope (CE) waveforms
to realise a given covariance matrix for a closely spaced
MIMO radar system is proposed. In contrast to available
algorithms, the technique provides closed form solutions for
finding the required waveforms and suggests that waveforms
can be chosen from finite alphabets such as binary-phase shift
keying (BPSK) and quadrature-phase shift keying (QPSK).
Gaussian random-variables (RV’s) are mapped onto CE non-
Gaussian RV’s using memoryless non-linear functions. The
relationship between the correlation of Gaussian RV’s at the
input to the nonlinear functions and non-Gaussian RV’s at
their output is established. Simulation results are presented
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology.
Index Terms— co-located antennas, constant-envelope
waveforms, MIMO radar, Hermite polynomials
In contrast to phased-array radars, multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO) radars allow each transmitting antenna
to transmit independent waveforms, thus providing extra
degrees-of-freedom (DOF) [1]. MIMO radars can be clas-
sified as either widely spaced [2] or co-located [3, 4]. In
the fo rmer, the transmitting an tennas are widely separated
and each antenna may view a different aspect of the target.
This topology can increase the spatial diversity of the system.
In co-located MIMO radars, the transmitting antennas are
closely spaced (on the order of half wavelength of the carrier
frequency) and all the transmit antennas view the same aspec t
of the target. Co-located antennas cannot provide improved
spatial diversity but can increase the spatial resolution of the
system. Moreover, compared to phased-array radars extra
DOFs of a co-located MIMO radar can provide better control
of the transmit beampattern [3].
In [3–5] the covariance matrix of the waveforms for co-
located MIMO radars is synthesised to achieve the desired
beampattern. The work of [3] is extended in [4] to design the
actual waveforms. This work is b ased on the assumption that
This work is funded through EPSRC/DSTL joint grant scheme
signals that have CE and take on values in a finite alphabets
may fail to realise a given covariance matrix. The compro-
mise on the requirement for CE waveforms is to allow small
variations in the amplitudes of the waveforms and satisfy a
less restrictive condition of low peak-to -average p ower ratio
(PAPR). To design the waveforms a cyclic algorithm [4] is
used that requires a number of iterations.
In this paper an alternative solution is proposed that guar-
antees the CE property. It is based on the principle that wave-
forms with sp ecified correlation properties can be easily gen-
erated using independent Gaussian random variables and a
square root of the associated covariance matrix. Memoryless
nonlinearities are then used to map the Gaussian random pro-
cesses to random processes with the d esired density function
- in this case random variables with a CE. Although the ac-
tion of memoryless nonlinearities also alters the correlation
between the waveforms and changes the covariance matrix,
this change is well defined in terms of a series of Hermite
polynomials [7] and can be inverted. Thus we can define a
covariance matrix at the input to the memoryless nonlineari-
ties that would produce the desired covariance matrix at their
outputs. A similar approach was used to generate correlated
Gamma processes in [6] to simulate radar sea clutter. Here
we extend this work to generate a variety of CE waveforms
with given cross-correlation properties.
The organisation of the paper is as follows. In Section 2
the problem is formulated, Section 3 discusses the generation
of CE waveforms. Simulation results are presented in Section
4, followed by conclusions in Section 5.
Notation: Bold upper case letters, X, and calligraphic
upper case letters, X, denote matrices while bold lower case
letters, x, denote vectors. Conjugate and conjugate transposi-
tion are respectively denoted by (.)
and (.)
.Themth row
and nth column element of a matrix X is denoted by X(m, n)
and E{.} denote statistical expectation.
Consider a closely spaced MIMO radar with M transmit an-
tennas. The sequence of N transmitted symbols from antenna
m is denoted by the column vector x
.The(N ×M ) matrix