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# Delay Program for 0.2 second delay MOV R6, #200 ; Initialize register R6 with 200 L1: SUB R6, #1 ; Decrement R6 JZ L2 ; Jump to L2 if R6 equals zero SJMP L1 ; Jump to L1 L2: RET ; Return from subroutine # Main Program MAIN: MOV P1.0, #1 ; Turn on LED CALL DELAY ; Call delay subroutine MOV P1.0, #0 ; Turn off LED CALL DELAY ; Call delay subroutine SJMP MAIN ; Repeat forever DELAY: ; Delay subroutine MOV R6, #200 ; Initialize register R6 with 200 L1: SUB R6, #1 ; Decrement R6 JZ L2 ; Jump to L2 if R6 equals zero SJMP L1 ; Jump to L1 L2: RET ; Return from subroutine This program achieves the desired functionality of blinking an LED connected to port P1.0 with a time interval of 0.2 seconds. It utilizes a delay subroutine to create the desired delay, which is achieved by decrementing a register and looping until it reaches zero. The main program turns on the LED, calls the delay subroutine, turns off the LED, calls the delay subroutine again, and repeats this process indefinitely. This example is suitable for self-study as it provides a hands-on approach to learning about programming microcontrollers.