Getting Started Quickly
To help you get started quickly, pre-built binaries for the UBL, U-Boot, Linux kernel, and flash writers are provided in the images directory under PSP
The following list is an overview of the steps you should follow to set up and begin using the OMAP-L138 Evaluation Module (EVM) with the Linux
Platform Support Product (PSP) package.
Understand how to use the OMAP-L138 EVM hardware by reading the EVM technical reference that accompanies the EVM shipment.•
Set up the EVM to boot from the SPI flash on the OMAP-L138 EVM. (Switch S7 set to all off)•
Install the serial terminal software described in Host Platform Requirements and connect the serial cable provided with the EVM shipment to the
COM port of the host system.
Set up the serial console software on the PC to connect to that serial port with the following characteristics:
Baud: 115200♦
Data Bits: 8♦
Parity: None♦
Stop Bits: 1♦
Flow Control: None♦
Power on the board using the power supply that accompanies the board.•
If your EVM is pre-flashed with U-Boot and Linux kernel, when you power on the EVM, you should see U-Boot and Linux boot sequence
messages on the serial console.
Note: If you do not see U-Boot and Linux boot sequence messages, the EVM is not pre-flashed with boot software. You need to flash the EVM with boot
software. The pre-built binaries required for booting the EVM are provided in images directory under PSP installation directory. Skip to "Running PSP
Components" to learn how to use them.
At the Linux prompt, you can use existing Linux commands to test various features and use examples from the examples folder under images
directory of the PSP installation.
While U-Boot is booting, you can press any key to interrupt the automatic boot of the Linux kernel. This will leave you in U-Boot, where you can
type commands in the U-Boot command shell. On this page, commands to be typed in the U-Boot shell are indicated by the U-Boot> prompt.
In order to create your own applications running on Linux on the OMAP-L138 EVM or to rebuild U-Boot or the Linux kernel provided with the
PSP package, you will need to install the CodeSourcery tools for cross compilation.
If you need to re-build any of the software provided with the PSP installation, skip to "Building PSP Components". Note that building some PSP
components requires that you have CCStudio v3.3 running on a Microsoft Windows host. Building other components requires that you have the
CodeSourcery tools running on a Linux host.
Running PSP Components
Pre-built binaries for UBL, U-Boot, Linux kernel, and flash writers are provided in the images directory of the PSP installation.
On the OMAP-L138 SoC, the ARM boots first. On boot-up, the ARM runs the ARM UBL in AIS file format. The purpose of the ARM UBL is to initialize
the PLLs, mDDR, and other hardware. Once done, it copies the U-Boot into mDDR and starts it.
U-Boot is an open source boot loader and is responsible for booting the Linux kernel.
Booting U-Boot
SPI Flash
Flashing Images
Follow these steps to boot from SPI Flash:
Obtain the latest ARM GEL file from LogicPD. Run the CCStudio Setup tool and ensure that the ARM GEL file is correctly specified.•
Start CCStudio and connect to the ARM.•
Load the SPI flasher tool on to the ARM. You can either use the pre-built binary shipped in the images/utils directory of the PSP
installation (spiflash-writer-ccsv3.out), or you can build your own by following the steps in section on Building SPI Flash writer.
Run the SPI flasher program. You will be prompted for the input file type and the file path. For booting from SPI, an ARM AIS image and
U-Boot are required.
To burn the ARM AIS image, type armais as the image type. When prompted for a file name, provide the path to
arm-spi-ais.bin file. A pre-built image is located in the images/boot-strap/ directory of the PSP installation.
To burn U-Boot, type uboot as the image type. When prompted for a file name, provide the path to the u-boot.bin file. A
pre-built image is located in the images/u-boot/ directory of the PSP installation.
Once the SPI flash has been written with the all the required files, disconnect CCStudio and power off the EVM.•
Running PSP Components 4