tion [15, 20], bug detection [18], and vulnerability detection
Comparison method. There are two kinds of compar-
ison methods: vector comparison and approximate/exact
matching. The vector comparison method first converts the
representation of a vulnerability and the representation of a
target program into vectors, and then compares these vec-
tors for detecting vulnerabilities [12, 25, 29, 30]. The ap-
proximate/exact matching method searches the representa-
tion of a vulnerability in the code representation of a target
program via containment [13, 17, 19], substring matching
[16], full subgraph isomorphism matching [18], or approxi-
mate γ-isomorphism matching [20].
Finally, it is worth mentioning that exploit signatures are
sometimes called vulnerability signatures, although they are
actually used to recognize exploits [4, 6]. These signatures
characterize the inputs that can be used to exploit vulnera-
bilities [6]. Exploit signatures are orthogonal to the vulner-
ability signatures we study in the present paper.
3.1 Overview
Patch Database
Target programs
diff hunk feature
Code-similarity algorithm selection
Vulnerability signature generation
unpatched diff
code extraction
code fragment
Target program
signature generator
detection engine
Vulnerability detection
Learning phase
Detection phase
Vulnerability Code
Instance Database
Figure 1: Overview of VulPecker: The learning
phase selects code-similarity algorithm(s) that is ef-
fective for a vulnerability. The select algorithms in
turn guide the generation of vulnerability signatures
and the detection of vulnerabilities.
Figure 1 gives an overview of VulPecker. It has two phases:
a learning phase and a detection phase. Before we elaborate
on the modules described in Figure 1, let us discuss two
high-level issues. First, which code-similarity algorithm(s) is
effective for detecting which vulnerability? In answering this
question, we analyze a set of candidate code-similarity algo-
rithms by taking advantage of features describing vulnerabil-
ities and patches. This analysis leads to a CVE-to-algorithm
mapping, which maps a CVE-ID to the select code-similarity
algorithm(s) that is effective for detecting the vulnerability.
Second, how should we generate and use vulnerability sig-
natures? Recall that a code-similarity algorithm can be
characterized by three attributes: code-fragment level, code
representation, and comparison method. We observe that
code-fragment level and code representation offer guidance
for generating signatures of vulnerabilities as well as signa-
tures of target programs. These signatures are then com-
pared with each other for determining whether or not a tar-
get program has a vulnerability. If a vulnerability is found,
the location of the vulnerable code fragment(s) is reported.
3.2 Defining vulnerability and code-reuse fea-
Since our focus is to use code similarity analysis to detect
vulnerabilities, we need to define features to characterize
vulnerabilities and code reuses.
Features for describing vulnerability diff hunks.
Given a vulnerability and its patch, the vulnerability can be
characterized by the vulnerability diff,whichiscomposed
of one or multiple diff hunks.Eachdiffhunkcontainsa
sequence of lines of code, where each line is prefixed by a
“+” symbol (addition), “-” symbol (deletion), or nothing. In
order to define features to describe a vulnerability, it is suf-
ficient to define features that describe these diff hunks. For
adiffhunk,wedefinetwosetsoffeatures: basic features and
patch features. Table 1 summarizes these features. Basic fea-
tures are the Type 1 features described in Table 1, including
the unique CVE-ID, the Common Weakness Enumeration
Identifier (CWE-ID) that represents the vulnerability type,
product vendor, product affected, and vulnerability severity.
Patch features are the Type 2–Type 6 features described in
Table 1 and describe the code changes from the unpatched
piece of code to the patched one. The five types of patch
features are elaborated as follows.
• Non-substantive features: These features describe chan-
ges in whitespace, format or comment which have no
impact on useful code.
• Component features: These features describe the chan-
ges of components in statements such as varia bles, op-
erators, constants, and functions.
• Expression features: These features describe the chan-
ges of expressions in statements such as assignment
expression, if condition, and for condition.
• Statement features: These features describe the chan-
ges of statements involving addition, deletion, and mo-
• Function-level features: These features describe the
changes of functions or changes outside a function,
such as macros and global variable definitions.
Features for describing code reuses. The term “code
reuse”often means code cloning [5, 26], including exact clones,
renamed clones, near miss clones, and semantic clones. For
vulnerability detection, we are given a piece of code con-
taining a vulnerability and a target piece of code that may
or may not contain the same vulnerability, where the latter
may or may not be an exact clone of the former. Note that
we have already defined five types of patch features for de-
scribing vulnerabilities, namely Type 2–Type 6 described in
Table 1. Since these features can already describe the “trans-
formation” from an unpatched piece of vulnerable code to a
patched piece of code, which may be seen as a sort of code
reuse in a sense, we can naturally use these patch features
to describe code reuses.
3.3 Preparing the input