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With the mature development of the internet, various management systems have emerged. If there can be a professional management system to provide online exams, it can help teachers and students. This question bank management system is designed using the SSM framework, with Java as the programming language and MySQL as the database. Jsp is also integrated into the system to make the interface more visually appealing and user-friendly.
This system is developed specifically for exams and includes three roles: administrators, students, and teachers. Students can log in to the system to browse and take exams, as well as check their exam scores. Administrators can manage student information, question information, generate exam papers, and view scores, as well as manage grade and class information. Teachers can also manage student information, view scores, and manage question and exam paper information.
In this system, students can have a comprehensive understanding of the exam papers, providing them with flexibility and great help in their exams.
Keywords: online exams, question information, exam paper management, Java language
I. Introduction
A. Background and significance
B. Structure and arrangement of the thesis
II. Development technology introduction
A. SSM framework
B. Java programming language
C. MySQL database
D. Jsp integration
III. Requirement analysis
A. User roles and functionalities
B. System features and specifications
IV. Feasibility analysis
A. Technical feasibility
B. Economic feasibility
C. Operational feasibility
V. Function analysis
A. Administrator functions
B. Student functions
C. Teacher functions
VI. Business process analysis
A. Exam process for students
B. Exam paper generation process
VII. Database design
A. ER diagram
B. Data dictionary
VIII. Data flow diagram
IX. Detailed design
A. System architecture
B. Module design
X. System screenshots
XI. Testing
A. Test plan
B. Test cases and results
XII. Conclusion
XIII. Acknowledgements
XIV. References
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2024-03-14 上传
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