not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify
-ldevid on the cc command line to link with this library. See
(3DEVINFO) These functions constitute the device information library,
libdevinfo. This library is implemented as a shared object,
libdevinfo.so, but is not automatically linked by the C
compilation system. Specify -ldevinfo on the cc command line
to link with this library. See libdevinfo(3LIB).
(3DMI) These functions constitute the DMI libraries, libdmi, libdmici,
and libdmimi. These libraries are implemented as shared objects,
libdmi.so, libdmici.so, and libdmimi.so, respectively, but
are not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify
-ldmi, -ldmici,or-ldmimi on the cc command line to link
with these libraries. See libdmi(3LIB), libdmici(3LIB), and
(3ELF) These functions constitute the ELF access library, libelf,
(Extensible Linking Format). This library provides the interface for
the creation and analyses of “elf”files; executables, objects, and
shared objects. libelf is implemented as a shared object,
libelf.so, and as an archive, libelf.a, but is not
automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lelf
on the cc command line to link with this library. See
(3EXACCT) These functions constitute the extended accounting access library,
libexacct, and the project database access library, libproject.
These libraries are implemented as shared objects, libexacct.so
and libproject.so, respectively, but are not automatically
linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lexacct or
-lproject on the cc command line to link with these libraries.
See libexacct(3LIB) and libproject(3LIB).
(3GEN) These functions constitute the string pattern-matching and
pathname manipulation library, libgen. This library is
implemented as a shared object, libgen.so, and as an archive,
libgen.a, but is not automatically linked by the C compilation
system. Specify -lgen on the cc command line to link with this
library. See libgen(3LIB).
(3KSTAT) These functions constitute the kernel statistics library, which is
implemented as a shared object, libkstat.so, and as an archive,
libkstat.a, but is not automatically linked by the C compilation
system. Specify -lkstat on the cc command line to link with this
library. See libkstat(3LIB).
(3KVM) These functions allow access to the kernel’s virtual memory
library, which is implemented as a shared object, libkvm.so, and
20 man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers • Last Revised 20 Aug 2003