Field-aware Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction
Yuchin Juan
Criteo Research
Palo Alto, CA
Yong Zhuang
Dept. of ECE
Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Wei-Sheng Chin
Dept. of Computer Science
National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
Chih-Jen Lin
Dept. of Computer Science
National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
Click-through rate (CTR) prediction plays an important role
in computational advertising. Models based on degree-2
polynomial mappings and factorization machines (FMs) are
widely used for this task. Recently, a variant of FMs, field-
aware factorization machines (FFMs), outperforms existing
models in some world-wide CTR-prediction competitions.
Based on our experiences in winning two of them, in this
paper we establish FFMs as an effective method for clas-
sifying large sparse data including those from CTR predic-
tion. First, we propose efficient implementations for training
FFMs. Then we comprehensively analyze FFMs and com-
pare this approach with competing models. Experiments
show that FFMs are very useful for certain classification
problems. Finally, we have released a package of FFMs for
public use.
Machine learning; Click-through rate prediction; Computa-
tional advertising; Factorization machines
Click-through rate (CTR) prediction plays an important
role in advertising industry [1, 2, 3]. Logistic regression is
probably the most widely used model for this task [3]. Given
a data set with m instances (y
, x
), i = 1, . . . , m, where y
is the label and x
is an n-dimensional feature vector, the
model w is obtained by solving the following optimization
log(1 + exp(−y
(w, x
))). (1)
Part of the work was done when these authors were in
National Taiwan University.
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RecSys ’16, September 15-19, 2016, Boston , MA, USA
2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4035-9/16/09. . . $15.00
Publisher Advertiser
+80 −20 ESPN Nike
+10 −90 ESPN Gucci
+0 −1 ESPN Adidas
+15 −85 Vogue Nike
+90 −10 Vogue Gucci
+10 −90 Vogue Adidas
+85 −15 NBC Nike
+0 −0 NBC Gucci
+90 −10 NBC Adidas
Table 1: An artificial CTR data set, where + (−) represents
the number of clicked (unclicked) impressions.
In problem (1), λ is the regularization parameter, and in the
loss function we consider the linear model:
(w, x) = w · x.
Learning the effect of feature conjunctions seems to be
crucial for CTR prediction; see, for example, [1]. Here, we
consider an artificial data set in Table 1 to have a better
understanding of feature conjunctions. An ad from Gucci
has a particularly high CTR on Vogue. This information
is however difficult for linear models to learn because they
learn the two weights Gucci and Vogue separately. To ad-
dress this problem, two models have been used to learn the
effect of feature conjunction. The first model, degree-2 poly-
nomial mappings (Poly2) [4, 5], learns a dedicate weight for
each feature conjunction. The second model, factorization
machines (FMs) [6], learns the effect of feature conjunction
by factorizing it into a product of two latent vectors. We
will discuss details about Poly2 and FMs in Section 2.
A variant of FM called pairwise interaction tensor factor-
ization (PITF) [7] was proposed for personalized tag recom-
mendation. In KDD Cup 2012, a generalization of PITF
called “factor model” was proposed by “Team Opera Solu-
tions” [8]. Because this term is too general and may easily
be confused with factorization machines, we refer to it as
“field-aware factorization machines” (FFMs) in this paper.
The difference between PITF and FFM is that PITF con-
siders three special fields including “user,”“item,” and “tag,”
while FFM is more general. Because [8] is about the over-
all solution for the competition, its discussion of FFM is
limited. We can conclude the following results in [8]: