This book covers a wide range of topics from electrical engineering that involves
power electronics, electrical machines, control theory, and power systems. The con-
tents of this book include an overview of high-power converters, reference frame
theory, modeling and operation of conventional and advanced modular multilevel
converters, pulse width modulation schemes, classical and advanced control meth-
ods, modeling of AC drives, advanced drive control schemes, transformer-less motor
drives, low/zero-speed operation, modeling and control of two-terminal and multi-
terminal HVDC systems, active and reactive power control, DC-side fault protec-
tion, power quality problems, reactive power, unbalance compensation, modeling
and control of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), and uni
ed power qual-
ity conditioner (UPQC). The book re
ects the latest developments in the eld, and
it is a valuable reference book for academic researchers, practicing engineers, and
other professionals. Also, this book can be used as a textbook for graduate-level
This book contains three parts with nine chapters. The overview and content of each
chapter are described below:
Part I is composed of four chapters related to the analysis, modeling, and control
of the conventional MMC. Chapter 1 provides an overview of high-power convert-
ers such as voltage source converters, current source converters, matrix converters,
and modular multilevel converters, and their technical challenges and applications.
Chapter 2 introduces the fundamentals of the MMC, including the submodule (SM)
gurations and their operation. Also, the implementation and comprehensive
analysis of pulse width modulation schemes (PWM) for an MMC are presented.
Chapter 3 presents the classical control approach for the MMC, including submod-
ule capacitor voltage, output current, and circulating current control schemes. Chap-
ter 4 discusses the direct and indirect model predictive control (MPC) schemes for
an MMC, where the important issues such as discrete-time modeling, extrapolation
techniques, cost function formulation, selection of weight factors, and computational
complexity are addressed.
Part II contains three chapters focused on the analysis, modeling, and control of
advanced modular multilevel converters. Chapter 5 presents the circuit con
control and low/zero-frequency operation of the passive cross-connected modular
multilevel converter (PC-MMC). Chapter 6 discusses the con
guration, operation,
and control of the active cross-connected modular multilevel converter (AC-MMC).
Also, the comprehensive analysis of submodule capacitor voltage ripple and circu-
lating currents are presented. Chapter 7 discusses the con
guration, operation, and
control of the star-channel modular multilevel converter. Also, the delta-channel
modular multilevel converter is introduced in this chapter.
Part III contains two chapters focused on the applications of modular multilevel
converter including the medium-voltage motor drives, HVDC transmission systems,
and power quality improvement. Chapter 8 presents the system con
gurations, drive