Ogre 3D 1.7初学者指南:3D图形编程入门

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"Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide 中文版是一本针对初学者的3D图形编程入门书籍,适合与Ogre 3D的官方Wiki结合学习。作者Felix Kerger是德国达姆施塔特科技大学计算机科学专业的学生,具有超过五年的Ogre 3D开发经验,同时在弗劳恩霍夫计算机制图学研究所担任研究助理,并且是一名自由撰稿人。" 在《Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide》中,读者将学习到如何利用Ogre 3D这个强大的开源3D渲染引擎来创建实时三维应用程序。Ogre 3D是一个跨平台的库,它允许开发者通过C++或者C#来构建复杂的3D场景,包括光照、纹理、动画、粒子系统等元素。 本书可能涵盖以下关键知识点: 1. **Ogre 3D简介**:了解Ogre 3D的基本架构和设计理念,包括它的模块化设计、场景管理、渲染管道等。 2. **环境设置**:指导读者如何安装Ogre 3D库,配置开发环境,以及如何创建一个基本的项目结构。 3. **基本3D对象**:学习如何创建、加载和管理3D模型,包括网格、骨架动画和粒子系统。 4. **场景管理**:理解如何组织和控制3D场景中的对象,如添加摄像机、光照和材质。 5. **渲染技术**:深入探讨光照模型、纹理映射、着色器编程(可能包括固定功能管道和GLSL/HLSL着色语言)。 6. **用户交互**:讲解如何处理输入事件,如键盘、鼠标操作,以及如何实现简单的用户界面。 7. **性能优化**:介绍渲染效率提升的策略,如批处理、LOD(细节级别)技术和视锥体剔除。 8. **扩展与社区**:介绍Ogre 3D的插件系统,以及如何利用社区资源和插件来增强功能。 作者Felix Kerger的专业背景和实践经验使得这本书不仅理论扎实,还包含了实际开发中的实用技巧。结合Ogre 3D的官方Wiki,读者可以获取更全面、更新的信息,从而更好地掌握3D图形编程。 通过这本书,无论是对游戏开发、虚拟现实还是可视化应用感兴趣的初学者,都能逐步建立起3D编程的基础,并有能力进一步探索复杂的3D应用领域。
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Want to make your own 3D applications, simulations, and games?, OGRE 3D, an open source Object-Oriented 3D Graphics Rendering Engine written in C++, which can be utilized to create a variety of 3D applications and is commonly used in game creation, can help you to do so!, OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide, based on the latest version 1.7, makes it super easy for you to make your own monsters, spaceship shooters, weapons, enemies, and more!, OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide will teach you to develop 3D applications that are exciting and interesting and if used correctly can result in stunning games and simulations. You will start from the very beginning and then work your way up to complex scenes and stunning effects., In this book you will start with how to download and configure OGRE 3D, then create your first example scene. With the help of this sample scene, you will be introduced to several related topics each of which will be explained through several other examples and by do-it-yourself tasks., After each example there is a section that explains the theory behind the technique used for deeper understanding. You will also use what you learned in one example in another example and repeat each technique several times while learning new ones at the same time to strengthen the topics learned. Within no time you will master the art of game creation. Imagine how great you will feel when all your friends are playing the great-looking games you've created with OGRE 3D and this book., A step-by-step guide for beginners, filled with examples and simple do-it-yourself exercises, What you will learn from this book :, Learn the basics of OGRE 3D, Understand the scene graph, Develop 3D scenes with OGRE 3D, Create complex scenes, Write your own shaders and add them to scenes, Add lights and shadows, Add compositors to 3D scene for post-processing effects, Learn more about user control and animation, Extend OGRE 3D with plugins, Approach, This book is an example-driven introduction to OGRE 3D. Each example shows some new features and you learn step-by-step to create complex scenes with different effects using OGRE 3D. After several examples discussing one topic there is a do-it-yourself part where you will be challenged to solve problems on your own., Who this book is written for, If you have ever wanted to develop 3D applications with OGRE 3D, this example-driven book will enable you to do so. Understanding of C++ is needed to follow the examples in the book.