"英飞凌芯片功放电源200W:IRAUDPS3-30V/-30V 供电系统"
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The document "iraudps3(LLC 功放电源200W).pdf" provides detailed information about the IRAUDPS3-30V power supply, which is a product of International Rectifier. This power supply is designed for use with Class-D audio amplifiers and is capable of providing an output of ±30V with a maximum power of 200W. The document, dated June 23, 2015, and revised to version 1.2, contains proprietary information and is not to be reproduced, used, or disclosed to others for manufacture or any other purpose without written authorization from International Rectifier.
The IRAUDPS3-30V power supply is built using Infineon Technologies' chips and is specifically designed for energy-saving applications. International Rectifier, located in California, USA, is the manufacturer of this product, and the address provided in the document is 101 N. Sepulveda Blvd, El Segundo 90245.
The document consists of 20 pages and provides comprehensive information about the technical specifications, features, and usage guidelines for the power supply. It includes circuit diagrams, performance graphs, and explanations of various components and their functions. The document serves as a valuable resource for engineers and technicians involved in the design, development, and implementation of audio amplifier systems using Class-D technology.
Overall, the IRAUDPS3-30V power supply is a reliable and efficient solution for powering Class-D audio amplifiers, offering high performance and energy-saving benefits. International Rectifier's expertise in this field is evident in the quality and precision of the product, making it a preferred choice for audio system applications.
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