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收藏 541KB DOC 举报
The research on land records management system aims to implement a system that digitizes and processes existing historical paper archives to establish a standardized network-based database, as well as develop a set of archive management software system based on computer network applications. This system not only needs to meet the technical requirements of the country's archive information construction, but also comply with the professional requirements of land industry archive management standards in terms of standardization. It also needs to integrate with other existing business information management systems, establish mechanisms for interchange and extraction of information between archives and business data, promote smooth information exchange, facilitate consistent information retrieval, and reduce repetitive workload.
This article covers the feasibility study, requirement analysis, front-end interface design, backend database construction, and system testing of the land records management system. The system is implemented based on the three-tier architecture with JSP technology for the front-end and Oracle 11g platform for the backend. The system mainly uses the Hibernate design pattern to access the database and adopts a B/S architecture.
Keywords: paper archives; digitization; three-tier architecture.
153 浏览量
2021-09-18 上传
301 浏览量
2021-09-25 上传
2022-06-20 上传
2022-06-21 上传

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