"基于SpringBoot Vue前后端分离模式的物业管理系统设计与实现"

Based on the document "Design and Implementation of Property Management System Based on SpringBoot Vue Front and Back Separation Mode", the development of property management systems has been continuously evolving to meet the various needs of different individuals, contributing to the harmonious development of society and the improvement of people's quality of life. In this system development, the latest technologies and methods are explored. The framework design follows the MVC pattern, with Vue and Java Bean network programming technologies used for code implementation, and MySQL for backend database management. The system boasts comprehensive information management functions, establishing a scientific management process for property companies. With a simple and elegant interface design, users can quickly familiarize themselves with the operations, making it a suitable software for daily business management in residential property management. This software enables the efficient management of basic real estate, homeowners, and community properties, enhancing the efficiency of property management. Key words: property management system, MVC pattern, MySQL database management system.
2024-03-07 上传
425 浏览量
111 浏览量

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