Vagrant入门指南:Mitchell Hashimoto著,2013年免费资源

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《Vagrant:Up and Running》是由Mitchell Hashimoto编著的一本关于Vagrant的实用指南,首次发布于2013年5月。这本书旨在帮助读者深入了解并掌握Vagrant这款开源工具,它是一种轻量级的虚拟机管理器,简化了开发人员在不同平台上创建、管理和共享开发环境的过程。Vagrant的核心理念是提供一致的开发环境,使得开发者可以在本地机器上快速构建和测试项目,而无需关注底层操作系统的差异。 书中内容覆盖了从Vagrant的安装配置,到如何创建和配置虚拟机,包括设置网络、存储和共享文件夹,以及使用Docker和VagrantBox等功能的详细介绍。作者Mitchell Hashimoto以其丰富的经验和清晰的讲解,确保读者能够轻松上手并理解Vagrant的工作原理。 作为一本“Nutshell Handbook”系列图书,本书适合初学者和有一定经验的开发者,无论是为了学习新技术,还是为了提升开发效率和团队协作,都是一本不可或缺的参考资源。书中不仅包含了基础知识,还提供了实用的案例和最佳实践,使读者能够在实际项目中快速应用所学知识。 由于本书是免费的,无论是在线电子版还是纸质版,都可以通过O'Reilly Media的官方网站获取。此外,O'Reilly Media也提供了教育、商业或销售推广用途的购买选项,并鼓励读者查询更多信息或联系企业销售部门以获取更多支持。 编辑们如Mike Loukides和Courtney Nash对内容进行了严谨的校对和编辑,生产编辑Kristen Borg负责生产流程,而Proofreader Jasmine Kwityn则确保了语言的准确无误。封面设计由Randy Comer操刀,内部设计则由David Futato完成,插图则出自Rebecca Demarest之手。 《Vagrant:Up and Running》的第一版于2013年6月发行,随着技术的发展和用户反馈,O'Reilly Media会定期更新修订内容,以保持其内容的时效性和实用性。如果你是IT行业的从业者或者对Vagrant有兴趣,这本书无疑是提升技能和优化开发工作流程的重要工具。
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Pro Vagrant teaches you how to effectively implement and optimize Vagrant in your everyday work environment. Master the creation and configuration of virtual development environments with an easy-to-use workflow, and focus on automation. Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases development/production parity, and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past. DevOps is mainstream best practice nowadays, and Vagrant sits firmly in the DevOps toolkit. This book will take you from basic usage and getting started, to provisioning with Shell, Puppet, and Chef. You will see how to use Vagrant in real-life scenarios, so that you can start to use Vagrant day-to-day in your work. Author Wodimierz Gajda is a Vagrant expert and now brings his experience to you in Pro Vagrant. This is an indispensable book for anyone using Vagrant - add it to your library today. What you’ll learn Get started with Vagrant, basic usage Provisioning with Shell, Puppet, and Chef How to use Vagrant in real-life scenarios Who this book is for This book is for anyone wishing to implement Vagrant as a DevOps tool, to master the creation and configuration of virtual development environments with an easy-to-use workflow, and focus on automation. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started with Vagrant Chapter 2: Four Web Frameworks in Four Minutes Chapter 3: The States of VM Chapter 4: Default Configuration and Security Settings of the Guest VM Chapter 5: Your First Box Chapter 6: Provisioning Chapter 7: Creating Boxes from Scratch Chapter 8: Configuring Vir tual Machines Chapter 9: One True Workflow Chapter 10: Going Pro