Symbols Descriptions
D (A, or B) the uncertain database(s)
d the dimensionality of the data set
UR( o) the uncertainty region of object o
¯(o) the hypersphere that tightly bounds UR(o)
α the user-specified probability threshold
dist(·, ·) the Euclidean distance between two objects
Table 1 Notations and Descriptions
(NN) of each data object, and then check whether or
not this object is closer to query point than to its NN.
However this requires a sequential scan over the entire
data set and incurs high computation cost (I/O cost
as well). In order to reduce such cost, many pruning
techniques [18,36,41,33,38] have been proposed, which
assume that data objects are precise points.
Similarly, for our PRNN problem, it is also ineffi-
cient to apply the sequential scan method. Moreover,
the inherent uncertainty of data objects makes the ex-
isting RNN techniques inapplicable to the PRNN re-
trieval. For example, the pruning region defined in the
state-of-the-art TPL method [38] is invalid in the PRNN
case, since the positions of objects are uncertain. Fur-
thermore, in order to refine PRNN candidates, the cal-
culation of the complex Inequality (1) requires access-
ing all the objects in the database, which is very costly.
Therefore, in the sequel, we first design an effective
pruning method that is specific for our PRNN query
processing, and then reduce the number of objects that
are involved in the procedure of refining candidates. Ta-
ble 1 summarizes the commonly-used symbols in this
4 Probabilistic RNN Search
As mentioned above, it is not efficient to answer PRNN
queries via sequential scan, in terms of both compu-
tation and I/O costs. Thus, we use a multidimensional
index I (e.g. R-tree [12], M-tree [10], or SR-tree [14]) to
facilitate PRNN query processing over uncertain database
D. Since our proposed method is independent of the
underlying index, in this paper, we use one of popular
indexes, R-tree, to index uncertain objects (i.e. their
uncertainty regions), which has been extensively used
in the literature of RNN on precise data in Euclidean
space [18,33,36,38,39] or uncertain query processing
[20,21,23,24,28]. The framework for our PRNN search
is as follows. Given any query object q, we first tra-
verse the R-tree I with an effective pruning method to
reduce the PRNN search space, obtaining a candidate
set, and then refine the candidates by checking their ac-
tual probabilities P
(q, o) in Inequality (1). Those
objects with probabilities greater than or equal to α are
returned as the query result.
4.1 Heuristics of GP Method
In this subsection, we show the heuristics of our pruning
method, namely geometric pruning (GP), that permits
the development of efficient PRNN search procedures.
Recall that, a PRNN query retrieves all the data ob-
jects that have query object q as their NNs with prob-
abilities greater than or equal to α ∈ (0, 1]. Thus, our
basic pruning idea is to discard those objects that have
probabilities never greater than β, for some β ∈ [0, α).
For brevity, we denote such a pruning method as GP
which, based on the PRNN definition, would not intro-
duce any false dismissals (actual answers to the query
that are however not in the retrieval result).
Note that, a special case of GP
, GP
when β = 0,
will filter out data objects that are definitely not RNNs
(i.e. with zero probability to be RNNs) of a query point
q. In fact, this case corresponds to applications where
we do not know the distributions of data objects within
their uncertainty regions. In order to guarantee no-
false-dismissal property of the query result, our GP
method has to conservatively prune data objects based
on the geometric property (e.g. shape) of their uncer-
tainty regions, assuming objects can locate anywhere in
regions and with any distributions. On the other hand,
in applications where object distributions are known in
advance, our GP
method (β ∈ [0, α)) can wisely uti-
lize this additional information to enhance the pruning
ability. Since GP
(β > 0) essentially applies techniques
similar to GP
, in the sequel, we will start with GP
and later generalize GP
to GP
(β ∈ [0, α)) in Section
Fig. 2 2D Example of GP
Consider a query point q and any uncertain object o
in a 2D space as shown in Fig. 2(a), where o can locate
anywhere in its uncertainty region UR(o) with any dis-
tribution. Let o
be one possible position of uncertain
object o. The perpendicular bisector ⊥ (q, o
) between
points q and o
would partition the entire data space
into two halfplanes, HP
(q, o
) that contains point o
and HP
(q, o
) that contains point q. For any data ob-
ject p that completely falls into HP
(q, o
) (i.e. the
shaded area), we have dist(o
, p) < dist(q, p) (i.e. q is
not NN of p). Therefore, p cannot be the RNN of q [38].