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The 21st century is a society of high-speed information development, especially represented by the rapid development of the Internet. The business of buying and selling flowers is closely related to our daily lives, such as birthdays of elders, festival blessings and greetings, expressing love to loved ones, visiting patients, and so on. More and more people choose to buy a bouquet of flowers to express their friendship! This system uses the Internet as a good platform to provide convenience for customers, so that you can easily complete the selection and purchase of flowers without leaving home, just by opening your computer and going online.
This thesis explains the use of development environments such as Myeclipse and Tomcat, using the struts framework and JSP language to implement the membership management and system management of the flower shop. This system design mainly achieves the hierarchical management of different users, including user registration, login, etc.; adding, modifying, deleting, querying member information, and posting messages; administrators can manage and reply to user messages; administrators with system administrator permissions can edit, change the level of other administrators, add new administrators, etc. This system is easy to operate and use, with strong interactivity. The use of the Mysql database in the backend ensures the robustness of the system.
Keywords: online flower shop system; Mysql; JSP technology; Struts technology.
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