High Peak Current MOS Gate-Triggered Thyristor
With Fast Turn-On Characteristics for Solid-State
Closing Switch Applications
Wanjun Chen, Member, IEEE, Chao Liu, Xuefeng Tang, Lunfei Lou, Wu Cheng,
Qi Zhou, Zhaoji Li, and Bo Zhang, Member, IEEE
Abstract—In this letter, a MOS gate-triggered thyris-
tor (MGTT) structure with alternating MOS and p-n-p-n thyris-
tor sections is proposed and fabricated with the state-of-the-art
commercial insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) process. This
structure introduces a p-n-p-n thyristor between the adjacent
MOS cells, which brings about strong conductivity modulation
in N-drift region and, consequently, ultralow on-state resistance
due to the regenerative feedback mechanism. Thus, the proposed
MGTT exhibits high peak current (I
) and high current rise
rate (di/dt). Furthermore, the regenerative feedback mechanism
in combination with MOS gate-triggered operation contributes
to fast turn-
ON speed and high repetition rate. The experimental
results show that the fabricated MGTT exhibits an I
5.2 kA and a di/dt of 15.8 kA/µs, as well as high-frequency
repetition of up to 20 Hz. The excellent device performance,
coupled with a commercial IGBT-compatible fabrication process,
makes the proposed MGTT a promising candidate for pulse
power applications.
Index Terms— Pulse power, closing switch, peak current,
turn-on speed.
ULSE power supplies have been widely applied under
single shot or repetitive burst conditions such as excimer
lasers, particle accelerators, electromagnetic launchers [1]–[5].
In such applications, the energy transfer should be as fast
and efficient as possible, which requires the pulse switches
featuring properties of high voltage, high peak current (I
high current rise rate (di/dt) and high repetition rate [4], [6].
Traditionally, thyratrons have been usually used for
such applications, which featuring drawbacks of short
lifetime [2], [7]–[9]. With the development of power
semiconductor technology, solid-state pulse switches have
been proposed as a replacement of thyratrons due to their
Manuscript received November 18, 2015; revised December 16, 2015;
accepted December 19, 2015. Date of publication December 22, 2015; date
of current version January 25, 2016. This work was supported in part by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61274090 and
Grant U1330114, and in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities under Grant ZYGX2013J037. The review of this letter
was arranged by Editor K. J. Kuhn.
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films
and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Chengdu 610054, China (e-mail: wjchen@uestc.edu.cn).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2015.2511182
superior properties of compactness, long lifetime, high
repetition rate and high efficiency [7], [10]–[12].
Among the mainstream power semiconductor devices,
traditional thyristor (SCR) and gate turn-off thyristor (GTO)
can handle several kilovolts and kiloamperes but have a
relative slow turn-on process, which limits di/dt capabil-
ity [13]–[16]. Super GTO (SGTO) device with highly inter-
digitated gate-emitter structure provides high di/dt and high
current-handling capability, but the current-controlled oper-
ation limits its popularization [16]–[18]. It is noteworthy
that the devices with voltage-controlled operation, such as
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), enable smaller and
more efficient gate drive systems as well as smaller passive
elements [2], [19], [20]. Although the investigations on IGBTs
applied in pulse power supplies have been demonstrated, those
application fields are limited because of their disadvantages
of low power density [19], [21]. The MOS assisted gate-
triggered thyristor (MAGT) with extremely high di/dt has
been proposed for pulse power applications. However, the
extra base electrode with negative bias complicates the fab-
rication process and application scheme, thus offsetting the
major advantage [3], [9].
In this wok, a MOS Gate-Triggered Thyristor (MGTT) has
been proposed for using as a closing switch in pulse power
applications. This device features alternating MOS and PNPN
thyristor sections, in which the MOS section provides a drive
current to trigger turn-on process and the PNPN thyristor
features regenerative feedback mechanism to support ultra
low on-state resistance. Thus, the proposed MGTT exhibits
high I
and di/dt capabilities, which is especially suitable
for single shot and repetitive burst pulse power areas.
Fig. 1 shows the structure of the proposed MGTT with
alternating MOS and PNPN thyristor sections. The MGTT is
distinguished from conventional IGBT in the sense that a large
area of PNPN thyristor exists between the adjacent MOS cells
and the thyristor section with cathode shorts is implemented
by punching the N
-cathode region. This makes it possible
to realize high blocking capability at gate-ground (V
= 0),
and simultaneously keep high NPN transistor current gain
for rapidly triggering. Driving MGTT device is similar to
driving power MOSFET or IGBT. Once the gate voltage is
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