金属波导管 Matlab 的计算
摘 要
MATLAB 是一个适宜很多门专业学科,多种任务平台的性能强力可视化计算软件,有
着各种各样的库函数,工具箱和仿真应用模块。可引用 MATLAB 去进行科学研讨和处
MATLAB 强大的开发环境和交互式工具去求解电磁场实际问题, 并能绘制出金属波导
电磁波,我借助 MATLAB 研究,由于 MATLAB 具有适用于多门学科,强大的可视化
计算软件,具备不同大量的库函数,工具箱和仿真应用模块。能够运用 MALTAB 的偏
因此,在解决电磁场数值及图形问题时,我们可以引用 MATLAB 控制系统的设计与仿
关键词: MATLAB;金属波导管;电磁波;电磁场的分布图
MATLAB is a suitable for many professional discipline, a variety of task performance of pow
erful visualization computing software platform, with all kinds of library functions, toolbox a
nd simulation application module. Can refer to the MATLAB to scientific research and proces
sing all kinds of engineering design and practical problems. Therefore, we in the electromagn
etic field is used to solve the problem, can with the aid of MATLAB powerful development e
nvironment and interactive tools for solving electromagnetic field problems, and can map out
metal waveguide device in all kinds of mode of transmission of electromagnetic field distribut
On cross section perpendicular to the electromagnetic wave transmission the purpose of, there
are differences in the form of electromagnetic wave with various mode field distribution diag
ram, each field distribution is a kind of form, such as rectangular, circular wave guide device
can transmit in the different forms of electromagnetic wave, I with the aid of MATLAB to stu
dy, because the MATLAB has applied to different subjects, powerful visualization computing
software, have different amounts of library functions, toolbox and simulation application mo
dule. Can use MALTAB, the partial differential equation is used to solve the toolbox and asse
mbly process to solve the actual problem of answer, and draw different patterns of electromag
netic waves.
Therefore, in the electromagnetic field numerical and graphical solution, we can refer to the d
esign of control system and MATLAB simulation and drawing function to engineering and sc
ience research metal waveguide devices in different mode field distribution of guided wave tr
ansmission. So, graphics simple, can strengthen our understanding of metal waveguide device
and practical application.
Key words: Matlab;Metal waveguide; The electromagnetic wave;
The distribution of electromagnetic field