
需积分: 5 1 下载量 34 浏览量 更新于2024-01-02 收藏 2.47MB PDF 举报
This passage describes the 802.11ac Draft 802.11ac-D2.0 Redline, which is an IEEE standard protocol used for WiFi communication. The protocol, also known as IEEE P802.11ac/D2.0, was published in January 2012 and is copyrighted by IEEE. It is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft and is subject to change. The IEEE P802.11ac/D2.0 Draft STANDARD for Information Technology focuses on the telecommunications and information exchange between systems in local and metropolitan area networks. It specifically addresses the requirements for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications. This standard amendment, labeled as Amendment 4, aims to enhance the very high throughput for operation in bands below 6 GHz. Individuals studying RF and protocol-related subjects can refer to this standard for further understanding and insights. It provides valuable information for learning and downloading WiFi-related knowledge and resources. It is important to note that the content of this draft is subject to change as it goes through the approval process within the IEEE standards committee. Overall, the 802.11ac Draft 802.11ac-D2.0 Redline serves as a crucial reference for those interested in the technical specifications and enhancements for high-speed wireless communication within specific frequency bands.