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he following paper focuses on the design and implementation of an intelligent traffic light control system based on a single-chip microcontroller. The system aims to improve urban transportation efficiency and reduce accident rates by automatically controlling traffic flow and allowing manual signal switching for emergency vehicles.
The paper begins by discussing the importance of traffic lights in modern transportation systems and the impact of a well-designed traffic light system on overall transportation efficiency and safety. It then delves into the software implementation of the intelligent traffic light control system, detailing the use of the STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller and its key features and pin functions. The basic circuitry of the system is also explained, along with the development of the C language program using the Keil software for compilation and debugging.
Additionally, the paper analyzes the design of the intelligent traffic light control system and its functionalities. It describes how the system can automatically control traffic flow and manually switch signal lights for priority passage of special vehicles in emergency situations. The use of Proteus software for system simulation is also explored to closely mimic the behavior of the traffic microcontroller, providing a realistic testing environment for the system.
Overall, this paper presents a comprehensive overview of the design, implementation, and simulation of an intelligent traffic light control system based on a single-chip microcontroller. Through the integration of advanced software and hardware components, the system aims to enhance traffic management capabilities and improve overall road safety in urban environments. Key terms such as single-chip microcontroller, STC89C52, traffic flow, intelligent traffic light, Keil, and Proteus are highlighted as critical components in the development and operation of the system.
2022-06-28 上传
599 浏览量
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2022-11-29 上传

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