block are narrower than the middle. Using 1 × 1 convolution
kernel can not only reduce the number of parameters in the
network but also greatly improve the network's nonlinearity.
A lot of experiments in [37] have proved that ResNet can
mitigate the gradient vanishing problem without degeneration
in deep neural networks since the gradient can directly flow
through shortcut connections.
Based upon ResNet, many studies have managed to improve
the performance of the original ResNet, such as pre-activation
ResNet [38], wide ResNet [39], stochastic depth ResNets (SDR)
[40], and ResNet in ResNet (RiR) [41].
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) [42] is an
unsupervised model proposed by Goodfellow et al. in 2014.
GAN contains a generative model G and a discriminative model
D. The model G with random noise z generates a sample G(z)
that subjects to the data distribution P
learned by G. The
model D can determine whether the input sample is real data x
or generated data G(z). Both G and D can be nonlinear functions,
such as deep neural networks. The aim of G is to generate data
as real as possible; nevertheless, the aim of D is to distinguish
the fake data generated by G from the real data. There exists an
interestingly adversarial relationship between the generative
network and the discriminative network. This idea originates
from game theory, in which the two sides use their strategies to
achieve the goal of winning. The procedure is shown in Fig. 10.
Radford et al. [43] proposed Deep Convolutional Generative
Adversarial Network (DCGAN) in 2015. The generator of
DCGAN on Large-scale Scene Understanding (LSUN) dataset
is implemented by using deep convolutional neural networks,
the structure of which is shown in the figure below.
In Fig. 11, the generative model of DCGAN performs up-
sampling by "fractionally-strided convolution". As shown in
Fig. 12 (a), supposing that there is a 3 × 3 input, and the size of
the output is expected to be larger than 3 × 3, then the 3 × 3
input can be expanded by inserting zero between pixels. After
expanding to a 5 × 5 size, performing convolution, shown in
Fig. 12 (b), can obtain an output larger than 3 × 3.
G. MobileNets
MobileNets are a series of lightweight models proposed by
Google for embedded devices such as mobile phones. They use
depth-wise separable convolutions and several advanced
techniques to build thin deep neural networks. There are three
versions of MobileNets to date, namely MobileNet v1 [44],
MobileNet v2 [45], and MobileNet v3 [46].
1) MobileNet v1
MobileNet v1 [44] utilizes depth-wise separable convolutions
proposed in Xception [26], which decomposes the standard
convolution into depth-wise convolution and pointwise
convolution (1 × 1 convolution), as shown in Fig. 13.
Specifically, standard convolution applies each convolution
kernel to all the channels of input. In contrast, depth-wise
convolution applies each convolution kernel to only one
channel of input, and then 1 × 1 convolution is used to combine
the output of depth-wise convolution. This decomposition can
substantially reduce the number of parameters.
MobileNet v1 also introduces the width multiplier to reduce
the number of channels of each layer and the resolution
multiplier to lower the resolution of the input image (feature
2) MobileNet v2
Based upon MobileNet v1, MobileNet v2 [45] mainly
introduces two improvements: inverted residual blocks and
linear bottleneck modules.
In Section 3.5, we have explained three-layer residual blocks,
the purpose of which is to make use of 1 × 1 convolution to
reduce the number of parameters involved in 3 × 3 convolution.
In a word, the whole process of a residual block is channel
compression—standard convolution—channel expansion. In
MobileNet v2, an inverted residual block (seen in Fig. 14 (b))
is opposite to a residual block (seen in Fig. 14 (a)). The input of
an inverted residual block is firstly convoluted by 1 × 1
convolution kernels for channel expansion, then convoluted by
3 × 3 depth-wise separable convolution, and finally convoluted
by 1 × 1 convolution kernels to compress the number of
channels back. Briefly speaking, the whole process of an
inverted residual block is channel expansion—depth-wise
separable convolution—channel compression. Also, due to the
fact that depth-wise separable convolution cannot change the
number of channels, which causes the number of input channels
limits the feature extraction, inverted residual blocks are
harnessed to handle the problem.
Real data x
Generated data G(z)Random noise z
Result [0, 1]
Fig. 10. The flowchart of GAN
Fig. 11. DCGAN generator used for LSUN scene modeling
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. An example of fractionally-strided
convolution. (a) Inserting zero
between 3 × 3 kernel points. (b) Convolving the 7 × 7 graph
#M, d×d×1
#N, 1×1×M
Fig. 13. Depth-
wise separable convolutions in MobileNet v1. #M and #N
represent the number of kernels of depth-wise convolution and po
convolution, respectively