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本文档是一份详尽的Docker在Windows系统上的学习指南,旨在帮助读者掌握Docker的基本概念和在Windows平台上的具体应用。Docker作为一个开源容器化技术,最初由dotCloud公司开发,后被Linux基金会接纳,采用Go语言编写,并遵循Apache2.0协议。本文着重介绍了以下几个关键知识点: 1. 安装过程: - Docker for Windows在2016年开始发布,但早期版本对Windows系统的要求较高,仅支持64位Windows 10 Pro、Enterprise或Education版本,且需要特定的操作系统更新。因此,对于不满足这些条件的用户,推荐使用Docker Toolbox作为替代方案。 - 对于Windows 10用户,可以直接从官方下载地址获取安装包,而对于Windows 7用户(如本文作者),则推荐使用Docker Toolbox,可以从GitHub或国内镜像站下载。 2. 环境准备: - 安装前需确保Windows系统为64位,并且具备Intel VT-x或Hyper-V虚拟化功能,因为这些是运行Docker容器所必需的硬件支持。 3. 安装步骤: - 用户需要下载并运行安装包,按照默认设置进行安装,直到完成整个过程。安装完成后,会在桌面上生成三个快捷方式,包括Docker Quickstart Terminal,用于首次连接到Docker环境。 4. 验证与登录: - 首次启动Docker Quickstart Terminal时,可能需要一段时间初始化,然后通过终端查看版本信息(`docker version`)来确认安装成功。默认用户名和密码分别是"docker"和"t",可以通过提供的IP地址(如192.168.99.100)连接。 5. 终端使用: - 文档提到的Docker Quickstart Terminal虽然功能基础,但对于初学者来说已经足够。但对于更高级的用户,可以考虑使用更强大的Shell客户端(如xshell)进行登录和操作,以便更好地管理和扩展Docker环境。 6. 实战应用: - 除了理论安装,文档还包含了Dockerfile的编辑,这是一种自动化构建Docker镜像的文本文件。通过编写Dockerfile,开发者可以创建可复现的应用环境,方便部署和分享。 这份文档为Windows用户提供了从基础安装到实际操作的全面教程,涵盖了Docker的核心概念和技术细节,有助于读者快速入门并深入了解Docker在Windows平台上的实践。
2018-07-29 上传
Learn how to run new and old Windows applications in Docker containers. About This BookPackage traditional .NET Frameworks apps and new .NET Core apps as Docker images, and run them in containers for increased efficiency, portability, and securityDesign and implement distributed applications that run across connected containers, using enterprise-grade open source software from public Docker imagesBuild a full Continuous Deployment pipeline for a .NET Framework application, and deploy it to a highly-available Docker swarm running in the cloudWho This Book Is For If you want to modernize an old monolithic application without rewriting it, smooth the deployment to production, or move to DevOps or the cloud, then Docker is the enabler for you. This book gives you a solid grounding in Docker so you can confidently approach all of these scenarios. What You Will LearnComprehend key Docker concepts: images, containers, registries, and swarmsRun Docker on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and in the cloudDeploy and monitor distributed solutions across multiple Docker containersRun containers with high availability and fail-over with Docker SwarmMaster security in-depth with the Docker platform, making your apps more secureBuild a Continuous Deployment pipeline by running Jenkins in DockerDebug applications running in Docker containers using Visual StudioPlan the adoption of Docker in your own organizationIn Detail Docker is a platform for running server applications in lightweight units called containers. You can run Docker on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10, and run your existing apps in containers to get significant improvements in efficiency, security, and portability. This book teaches you all you need to know about Docker on Windows, from 101 to deploying highly-available workloads in production. This book takes you on a Docker journey, starting with the key concepts and simple examples of how to run .NET Framework and .NET Core apps in Windows Docker containers. Then it moves on to more complex examples—using Docker to modernize the architecture and development of traditional ASP.NET and SQL Server apps. The examples show you how to break up monoliths into distributed apps and deploy them to a clustered environment in the cloud, using the exact same artifacts you use to run them locally. To help you move confidently to production, it then explains Docker security, and the management and support options. The book finishes with guidance on getting started with Docker in your own projects, together with some real-world case studies for Docker implementations, from small-scale on-premises apps to very large-scale apps running on Azure. Style and approach Using a step-by-step approach, this book shows you how to use Docker on Windows. It includes practical examples and real-world technical and business scenarios that will help you effectively implement Docker in your environment.There are over 50 examples of Dockerized applications, using C# .NET projects as the source and packaging them into Docker images.