利用GNU Make第三版高效管理项目

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"Managing Projects with GNU Make Third Edition" 是一本经典的指南,专为IT专业人士和开发者设计,讲解如何利用GNU Make这款强大的工具来有效地管理和组织软件开发项目。这本书深入浅出地阐述了Make系统的原理、配置方法和实践应用,对于理解和掌握项目构建流程、自动化任务执行以及版本控制至关重要。 在阅读这本书时,读者可以接触到多个与Unix和Linux系统相关的辅助资源,如"Unix in a Nutshell",这是一本详尽的Unix命令参考手册,对于理解底层操作系统的命令行工具非常有帮助。"Unix Power Tools"则提供了更高级的实用技巧,帮助用户提升工作效率。同时,"Essential CVS" 和 "Version Control with Subversion" 是关于版本控制系统的学习材料,对于代码协作和版本控制的最佳实践具有指导意义。 此外,书中的"sed and awk" 是两个常用的文本处理工具,它们在数据转换和脚本编写中扮演着关键角色,而"lex and yacc" 则介绍了编译原理中的词法分析器和语法分析器,是编程语言理论和实现的基础。对于进一步提升 Shell 脚本技能,"Learning the bash Shell" 是一个很好的起点。 作者通过O'Reilly网站(oreilly.com)为读者提供了丰富的学习资源,包括新闻更新、活动信息、技术文章、博客、示例章节和代码示例,这些都能帮助读者紧跟行业动态和技术发展。O'Reilly还举办各种技术会议(conferences.oreilly.com),汇聚创新者分享前沿技术和实践经验,促进产业变革。 对于那些需要即时答案的开发者和IT专业人员,SafariBookshelf(safari.oreilly.com)是一个在线的综合参考库,它包含超过1000本专业书籍,提供快速搜索功能,能够帮助用户迅速解决技术问题。 总结来说,"Managing Projects with GNU Make Third Edition" 是一本实战性强且内容全面的书籍,不仅介绍了Make工具的核心使用,还结合其他Unix工具和版本控制技术,帮助读者构建高效、可维护的项目管理流程,是任何想在IT领域深化理解并提高项目管理能力的工程师必备参考资料。
2010-10-27 上传
make是unix和其他操作系统上最持久的工具之一。自1970年问世以来,make至今仍旧是大多数程序开发项目的核心工具,它甚至被用来编译linux内核。阅读本书,读者将可以了解,尽管出现了许多新兴的竞争者为何make仍旧是开发项目中编译软件的首选工具。. 简单就是make欲达成的目标:在你变更源代码文件之后,想要重编译你的程序或其他输出文件之际,make会检查时间戳,找出被变更的文件并进行必要的重编译动作,因此不会浪费时间去重编译其他文件。为了达到这个目标,make提供了许多选项让你能够操作多个目录、为不同的平台编译不同版本的程序以及自定义编译方法。.. 本书第三版的重点是gnu make,这个版本的make已经成为行业标准。本书将会探索gnu make所提供的强大扩充功能。gnu make之所以广受欢迎是因为它是一个自由软件,并且几乎可以在包括微软windows(作为cygwin项目的一部分)的每个平台上使用 *************************************************************** 请注意: 下载完,评论的同时,请点击评论框上方的五角星(共5个五角星),这样你的被扣的积分就可以返还了。 如果只评论,不点击小五角星,积分不会返还。 一定要先下载完,再评论。如果先评论后下载,或者在下载的过程中评论,积分同样不会返还。 *************************************************************** 更多linux、ARM和C语言资源请参考: http://blog.csdn.net/arkofnoach/archive/2010/10/23/5960560.aspx
2014-08-14 上传
The utility simply known as make is one of the most enduring features of both Unix and other operating systems. First invented in the 1970s, make still turns up to this day as the central engine in most programming projects; it even builds the Linux kernel. In the third edition of the classic Managing Projects with GNU make, readers will learn why this utility continues to hold its top position in project build software, despite many younger competitors.The premise behind make is simple: after you change source files and want to rebuild your program or other output files, make checks timestamps to see what has changed and rebuilds just what you need, without wasting time rebuilding other files. But on top of this simple principle, make layers a rich collection of options that lets you manipulate multiple directories, build different versions of programs for different platforms, and customize your builds in other ways.This edition focuses on the GNU version of make, which has deservedly become the industry standard. GNU make contains powerful extensions that are explored in this book. It is also popular because it is free software and provides a version for almost every platform, including a version for Microsoft Windows as part of the free Cygwin project. Managing Projects with GNU make, 3rd Edition provides guidelines on meeting the needs of large, modern projects. Also added are a number of interesting advanced topics such as portability, parallelism, and use with Java.Robert Mecklenburg, author of the third edition, has used make for decades with a variety of platforms and languages. In this book he zealously lays forth how to get your builds to be as efficient as possible, reduce maintenance, avoid errors, and thoroughly understand what make is doing. Chapters on C++ and Java provide makefile entries optimized for projects in those languages. The author even includes a discussion of the makefile used to build the book.