Windows SDK中HRESULT错误代码转字符串实用函数解析

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GetHRESULTMessage函数是Windows SDK(版本10.0.19041.0)中一个实用的工具,它用于将常见的HRESULT错误代码转换为人类可读的错误消息。在软件开发中,HRESULT是一种用于表示Windows API调用结果的标准编码方式,它可以指示操作的成功与否以及具体失败原因。这个函数的主要作用是简化异常处理过程,使得开发者能够更容易理解和处理程序运行时可能出现的错误。 该函数接受一个HRESULThr类型的参数hr,即一个可能包含错误代码的结果值。函数通过一系列if-else条件判断,根据传入的HR值返回相应的错误消息,这些错误消息涵盖了常见的Windows系统错误,如文件找不到、路径未找到、内存不足、权限问题等。 例如,如果hr等于ERROR_SUCCESS,函数会返回"The operation completed successfully.";如果是ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION,返回"Incorrect function.",帮助开发者识别是哪个函数调用出错。其他错误代码及其对应的消息同样详尽,有助于开发者快速定位问题所在。 通过使用GetHRESULTMessage函数,开发者无需硬编码大量的错误码与对应解释,只需获取到实际的HR值,就可以轻松地将其转化为用户友好的错误提示,提高了代码的可读性和调试效率。在编写跨平台或Windows平台的应用时,了解并利用此类工具对于维护代码质量、提升用户体验至关重要。 GetHRESULTMessage函数是Windows开发人员在处理API调用结果时的一个实用辅助工具,它提供了一种将抽象的错误代码转换为易于理解的错误信息的方式,有助于提高软件的健壮性和用户体验。
2016-01-14 上传
Windows 10 Development Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach in HTML and JavaScript Paperback: 373 pages Publisher: Apress; 1st ed. 2016 edition (December 28, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484207203 ISBN-13: 978-1484207208 This book is a practical guide to solving the everyday problems encountered when building apps for Windows 10 devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones, using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Each recipe includes a concise statement of the problem and the approach you should take in order to solve it. A full code solution is also given, along with an in-depth explanation, so you can build on your development knowledge while you work on your application. The majority of recipes can be used with the Universal Windows app template, designed to help you build one consistent user experience across devices. These are supplemented with recipes for adapting your app to different devices, screen sizes and sensor availability. You'll also find out how to deploy and publish your apps in the Windows Store. Learn how to: Make use of the latest Universal Windows app features, alongside customizations for specific platforms and screen sizes. Bring your apps to life with live tiles, notifications, and sharing. Prepare your app to adapt to your users' different cultural and business environments using globalization and localization APIs and best practices. Understand the certification process and publish your app to the Windows Store, with the option to pay once, install anywhere. This book is suitable for anyone developing for Windows and Windows Mobile. Readers should be comfortable working with HTML and JavaScript. No previous experience with Microsoft technologies or languages is needed in order to use this book.