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"Introduction to Java Programming(基础篇 英文版 8th)"是一本经典的入门级Java教程,专为想要学习这门编程语言的初学者设计。本书详细介绍了Java的基础概念和技术,旨在帮助读者掌握编程基础知识,建立起坚实的编程根基。 章节一,"ConsoleInput"部分,主要讲解如何通过Java的`Scanner`类从控制台获取用户输入,包括整型(`int`、`long`)、浮点型(`float`)、字符串(`String`)等基本数据类型。`System.out.println()`方法则用于将计算结果或变量值输出到控制台,便于观察和调试。 "PrimitiveDataTypes"章节深入剖析了Java的原始数据类型,包括八位的`byte`,十六位的`short`,以及32位和64位的整型和长整型(`int`、`long`),以及单精度浮点型`float`和双精度浮点型`double`。同时,字符类型`char`占用16位,布尔类型`boolean`表示`true`和`false`两个值。 接下来,"RelationalOperators"介绍关系运算符,如小于(`<`)、小于等于(`<=`)、大于(`>`)、大于等于(`>=`)、等于(`==`)和不等于(`!=`),它们在比较数值或字符串时非常关键。逻辑运算符,如短路`&&`与、`||`或、`!`非以及异或(`^`),用于控制程序流程和条件判断。 "ArithmeticOperators"涵盖了算术运算,包括加法`+`、减法`-`、乘法`*`、除法`/`和取余`%`。还有自增`++`、自减`--`和后置/前置操作符,用于改变变量的值。 "SwitchStatements"部分展示了Java的开关语句,用于根据某个表达式的值执行不同的代码块,提供了灵活的条件分支控制。 "AssignmentOperators"着重于各种赋值运算符,如简单的赋值`=`, 以及加法、减法、乘法和除法后的赋值操作符`+=`、`-=`、`*=`和`/=`。 最后,书中的""提供额外的学习资源和支持,为读者提供了更丰富的实践材料和互动教程。 "Introduction to Java Programming(基础篇 英文版 8th)"通过详实的讲解和实例,让读者逐步熟悉Java编程语言的核心概念和语法,为后续的编程学习打下坚实的基础。对于任何想要踏入Java编程世界的人来说,这本书是不可或缺的入门指南。
2012-07-18 上传
This book is a brief version of Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 8E. This version is designed for an introductory programming course, commonly known as CS1. This version contains the first twenty chapters in the comprehensive version. This book uses the fundamentals-first approach and teaches programming concepts and techniques in a problem-driven way. The fundamentals-first approach introduces basic programming concepts and techniques before objects and classes. My own experience, confirmed by the experiences of many colleagues, demonstrates that new programmers in order to succeed must learn basic logic and fundamental programming techniques such as loops and stepwise refinement. The fundamental concepts and techniques of loops, methods, and arrays are the foundation for programming. Building the foundation prepares students to learn object-oriented programming, GUI, database, and Web programming. Problem-driven means focused on problem-solving rather than syntax. We make introductory programming interesting by using interesting problems. The central thread of this book is on solving problems. Appropriate syntax and library are introduced to support the writing of a program for solving the problems. To support teaching programming in a problemdriven way, the book provides a wide variety of problems at various levels of difficulty to motivate students. In order to appeal to students in all majors, the problems cover many application areas in math, science, business, financials, gaming, animation, and multimedia. 精美文字版pdf电子书。