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资源摘要信息:"nix-mirror是一个专门为镜像nix二进制高速缓存设计的工具,由Rust语言开发。nix-mirror的主要功能是加速nix二进制文件的复制过程,从而避免在构建过程中重新构建相同的文件。这可以显著提高构建效率,减少构建时间。 nix-mirror的工作原理是通过nix命令行工具使用sucn命令来镜像nix二进制高速缓存。具体来说,就是将store-paths.xz文件中的所有二进制文件路径进行复制,这些路径是从nix缓存中获取的。store-paths.xz文件包含了store缓存中所有的二进制文件路径,例如***。 然而,直接使用nix命令进行镜像的过程会占用大量的系统资源,因为它会复制所有的二进制文件。而nix-mirror正是为了解决这个问题而设计的。它通过优化复制过程,减少不必要的资源消耗,从而提高了镜像速度和效率。 nix-mirror的开发语言是Rust,Rust是一种高效、可靠且并发的编程语言。它的内存安全保证了运行时不会出现数据竞争和空指针解引用等问题。这使得nix-mirror在处理大量数据时,能够保持稳定和高效的性能。 nix-mirror的使用方法非常简单,只需要在命令行中输入相应的命令,然后指定需要镜像的nix二进制高速缓存的路径和目标路径即可。例如,使用命令xzcat store-paths.xz | nix镜像-从***到文件:///path/to/where/the/mirror/should/end/up,就可以将nix二进制高速缓存镜像到指定位置。 总的来说,nix-mirror是一个非常实用的工具,它可以帮助开发者和系统管理员有效地管理和维护nix二进制高速缓存,提高工作效率,节省时间。"

% SolarCollector.m % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Simple first-order solar collector model (M-file called by TRNSYS type 155) % % Data passed from / to TRNSYS % ---------------------------- % % trnTime (1x1) : simulation time % trnInfo (15x1) : TRNSYS info array % trnInputs (nIx1) : TRNSYS inputs % trnStartTime (1x1) : TRNSYS Simulation Start time % trnStopTime (1x1) : TRNSYS Simulation Stop time % trnTimeStep (1x1) : TRNSYS Simulation time step % mFileErrorCode (1x1) : Error code for this m-file. It is set to 1 by TRNSYS and the m-file should set it to 0 at the % end to indicate that the call was successful. Any non-zero value will stop the simulation % trnOutputs (nOx1) : TRNSYS outputs % % % Notes: % ------ % % You can use the values of trnInfo(7), trnInfo(8) and trnInfo(13) to identify the call (e.g. first iteration, etc.) % Real-time controllers (callingMode = 10) will only be called once per time step with trnInfo(13) = 1 (after convergence) % % The number of inputs is given by trnInfo(3) % The number of expected outputs is given by trnInfo(6) % WARNING: if multiple units of Type 155 are used, the variables passed from/to TRNSYS will be sized according to % the maximum required by all units. You should cope with that by only using the part of the arrays that is % really used by the current m-File. Example: use "nI = trnInfo(3); myInputs = trnInputs(1:nI);" % rather than "MyInputs = trnInputs;" % Please also note that all m-files share the same workspace in Matlab (they are "scripts", not "functions") so % variables like trnInfo, trnTime, etc. will be overwritten at each call. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This example implements a very simple solar collector model. The component is iterative (should be called at each % TRNSYS call) % % trnInputs % --------- % % trnInputs(1) : Ti, collector inlet temperature % trnInputs(2) : mdot, collector flowrate % trnInputs(3) : Tamb , ambient temperature % trnInputs(4) : Gt, solar radiation in the collector plane % % trnOutputs解释下这段代码

2023-07-12 上传