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在Python数据挖掘的世界里,这本教程为你打开了一扇深入学习的大门。"Python Data Mining" 这个标题暗示了我们将探索如何利用Python这一强大的工具进行数据挖掘,这是一种从海量数据中提取有价值信息和洞察力的过程。数据挖掘通常涉及预处理、数据分析、模式识别和预测建模等多个步骤,这些都需要扎实的编程基础和对Python库(如Pandas、NumPy、Scikit-Learn等)的熟练掌握。 描述中的"学习Python数据挖掘的好教程(英文版)"表明这是一本适合初学者和进阶者阅读的指南,强调通过实践来培养数据挖掘技能。故事中的教授与僧侣对话,寓言性地展示了开放思维的重要性,正如Shunryu Suzuki所言,一个空杯心态对于程序员,尤其是数据挖掘工程师来说是至关重要的。一个好的数据挖掘者不应满足于已知的知识,而应保持对新技术和方法的好奇心,如同僧侣不断倒茶以清洗心灵,空出空间接纳新的可能性。 该教程将引导读者逐步学习如何: 1. **数据预处理**:清理和整理数据,包括缺失值处理、异常值检测和数据类型转换等。 2. **数据探索**:使用Python工具(如matplotlib和seaborn)可视化数据,理解数据分布和相关性。 3. **特征工程**:根据业务需求和数据分析结果,构建和选择合适的特征,增强模型性能。 4. **机器学习算法**:介绍监督学习(如线性回归、决策树、随机森林和深度学习)、无监督学习(聚类和关联规则)以及模型评估指标(如准确率、召回率和F1分数)。 5. **实战项目**:通过实际案例练习数据挖掘流程,如客户细分、产品推荐或市场趋势分析。 学习过程中,你需要具备的基础包括基本的Python语法,熟悉编程逻辑,以及对统计学和概率论的理解。随着不断的学习和实践,你会发现自己的技能像那个空杯一样,能够容纳并吸收更多的知识,最终成为一位高效的数据挖掘专家。 "Python Data Mining"教程不仅仅教你如何使用Python进行数据挖掘,更是一次思维模式的转变,让你拥有一个数据科学家必备的 Beginner's Mind,不断适应和创新,应对日益复杂的数据挑战。
2017-05-04 上传
earning Data Mining with Python - Second Edition by Robert Layton English | 4 May 2017 | ASIN: B01MRP7VFV | 358 Pages | AZW3 | 2.85 MB Key Features Use a wide variety of Python libraries for practical data mining purposes. Learn how to find, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data using Python. Step-by-step instructions on data mining techniques with Python that have real-world applications. Book Description This book teaches you to design and develop data mining applications using a variety of datasets, starting with basic classification and affinity analysis. This book covers a large number of libraries available in Python, including the Jupyter Notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, and NLTK. You will gain hands on experience with complex data types including text, images, and graphs. You will also discover object detection using Deep Neural Networks, which is one of the big, difficult areas of machine learning right now. With restructured examples and code samples updated for the latest edition of Python, each chapter of this book introduces you to new algorithms and techniques. By the end of the book, you will have great insights into using Python for data mining and understanding of the algorithms as well as implementations. What you will learn Apply data mining concepts to real-world problems Predict the outcome of sports matches based on past results Determine the author of a document based on their writing style Use APIs to download datasets from social media and other online services Find and extract good features from difficult datasets Create models that solve real-world problems Design and develop data mining applications using a variety of datasets Perform object detection in images using Deep Neural Networks Find meaningful insights from your data through intuitive visualizations Compute on big data, including real-time data from the internet About the Author Robert Layton is a data scientist working mainly on text mining problems for industries including the finance, information security, and transport sectors. He runs dataPipeline to build algorithms for practical use, and Eurekative, helping bringing start-ups to life in regional Australia. He has presented at the last four PyCon AU conferences, at multiple international research conferences, and has been training in some capacity for five years. He has a PhD in cybercrime analytics from the Internet Commerce Security Laboratory at Federation University Australia, where he was the Inaugural Young Alumni of the Year in 2014 and is currently and Honorary Research Fellow. You can find him on LinkedIn at and on Twitter at @robertlayton. Robert writes regularly on data mining and cybercrime, in a private, consultancy, and a research capacity. Robert is an Official Member of the Ballarat Hackerspace, where he helps grow the future-tech sector in regional Victoria.