OpenStack Neutron网络构建与管理指南

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《OpenStack Networking Essentials》是一本由James Denton撰写的专业书籍,专为读者提供了在OpenStack环境中构建和管理网络的详细指南,使用Neutron作为核心网络服务。该书是Packt Publishing出版的,版权归属2016年,所有内容未经作者或出版社事先书面许可,不得进行任何形式的复制、存储或传输,除非用于嵌入式引用在批判性文章或评论中。 书中强调了对OpenStack Networking(通常称为Neutron)的理解,这是OpenStack云计算平台中的一个重要组件,负责虚拟网络资源的创建、配置和管理。Neutron支持多种网络插件,如Linux Bridge、OVS(Open vSwitch)、ML2(Multi-layer Switching)等,允许用户根据需求选择不同的网络模型,如平面网络、虚拟交换机和安全组策略。 本书的内容覆盖了从基础概念到高级操作的全面知识,包括但不限于网络架构设计、网络服务部署、网络策略配置、负载均衡、防火墙管理、虚拟路由器、网络插件的配置与调试以及故障排查等方面。通过阅读,读者能够掌握如何在OpenStack环境中构建灵活、可扩展和高性能的网络环境,满足云计算应用的需求。 值得注意的是,尽管作者和出版社已尽最大努力确保信息的准确性,但书中的内容并不带有任何形式的保修,且不承担因使用本书信息导致的直接或间接损失的责任。此外,虽然书中提到许多公司和产品的商标,但出版社无法保证这些信息的绝对准确,读者在使用时应自行确认。 《OpenStack Networking Essentials》是一本适合OpenStack管理员、网络工程师和技术人员的实用参考书籍,对于想要深入理解并优化OpenStack网络架构的读者来说,它是一个不可或缺的资源。通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以提升OpenStack网络管理技能,还能跟上云计算领域的发展趋势。
2018-04-17 上传
英文原版,无水印,数字版。 Key Features Deploy an all-in-one cloud based on OpenStack Liberty (2015.2) using RDO Learn the fundamentals of the Neutron API including networks, subnets, and ports, and how to manage these resources in the cloud Build simple virtual network infrastructures in the cloud Book Description The OpenStack Networking API offers users the ability to create and manage both basic and complex network architectures that blend the virtual and physical network infrastructure. This book kicks off by describing various components of Openstack Neutron and installing Ubuntu OpenStack based on Canonical's process. Further on, you will use various methods to interface with Neutron to create and manage network resources. You will also get to grips with the relationship between ports, networks, and subnets through diagrams and explanations, and see how the logical components are implemented via plugins and agents. Moving forward, you will learn how virtual switches are implemented and how to build Neutron routers. You will also configure networks, subnets, and routers to provide connectivity to instances using simple examples. At the end, you will configure and manage security groups, and will observe how these rules translate to iptables rules on the host machines. By the end of the book, you will be able to build basic network architectures using Neutron networks and routers in no time. What you will learn Install the latest Liberty (2015.2) release of OpenStack using RDO in VirtualBox Discover the basics of the Neutron API, including networks, subnets, and ports Interact with Neutron using the CLI and Horizon dashboard Create networks and subnets that provide connectivity to instances Implement software routers that connect networks and provide network address translation Secure instances using Neutron's security group functionality About the Author James Denton has more than 15 years of experience in system administration and networking and has been deploying, operating, and maintaining OpenStack clouds since late 2012. He is a Principal Architect at Rackspace, and prior to joining the Rackspace Private Cloud team, he spent 5 years as an enterprise network security engineer. James has a bachelor's degree in business management, with a focus on computer information systems, from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. In his spare time, James enjoys spending time with his wife and son and camping in the Texas hill country. Table of Contents OpenStack Networking Components – an Overview Installing OpenStack Using RDO Neutron API Basics Interfacing with Neutron Switching Routing Building Networks and Routers Security Group Fundamentals Configuring VirtualBox