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《Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Professional Guide》是一本专为想要深入了解Oracle高级PL/SQL概念以及准备1Z0-146考试的专业人士编写的指南。本书由Saurabh K. Gupta撰写,由Packt Publishing出版,旨在帮助读者掌握高级PL/SQL的核心技术,并通过大量的实例题和练习来提升实战能力。 该书的主要内容涵盖了广泛的PL/SQL高级特性,包括但不限于存储过程、函数、异常处理、游标、包、触发器、对象关系映射(ORM)以及索引等。通过深入浅出的方式,作者将复杂的理论知识分解为易于理解的部分,使学习者能够逐步建立起坚实的PL/SQL编程基础。 书中包含了大量的例题和模拟试题,这些题目设计得既贴近实际工作场景,又符合1Z0-146 Oracle Certified Professional, Advanced Database Administrator, SQLDeveloper 版本的考试要求。这使得读者在准备认证考试的同时,也能提高在实际项目中的PL/SQL编程效率和问题解决能力。 版权方面,该书受到严格保护,未经Packt Publishing事先书面许可,不得以任何形式复制、存储或传输,除非用于学术引用中的短篇摘录。尽管作者和出版社尽力确保内容的准确性,但本书并不提供任何形式的保修,也不承担因使用本书信息导致的直接或间接损失的责任。 《Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Professional Guide》是一本实用性强、权威性高的教材,对于那些希望在Oracle数据库管理领域深化专业技能,或者准备参加1Z0-146考试的读者来说,是不可或缺的学习资源。通过跟随书中的指导,读者不仅能提升技术实力,还能提升应对实际工作挑战的能力。
2012-10-04 上传
The Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Professional Guide helps you to master the advanced PL/SQL concepts in Oracle 11g. The book aims to be a sure selection for the Associate level Oracle professionals aspiring for Professional level. The topics covered and demonstrated are in line with the Oracle University prescription for Oracle Professional certification, which justify the version updates to be advanced and not complex. The book is under publication from Packt publishers and all set for its release in May, 2012. The OCP 1Z0-146 certification is the second milestone for the Associate level Oracle professionals. The journey from Associate to Professional level enhances your reliability and credibility with the Oracle technology, catalyzes your employability, and job effectiveness. Apart from focusing the certification preparation, the book contains ample demonstrations and best programming practices which can be employed in day to day assignments. The book aims to cover the advanced features of PL/SQL which are required to design and optimize the PL/SQL code. The recapitulation of PL/SQL programming and advanced features like collections, external procedures, server side result caching, implementing VPD to enforce row level security, handling large objects and SecureFiles build up a concrete platform for a PL/SQL professional. Apart from the programming, the book makes instrumental recommendations on the usage of development tool SQL Developer, employing best practices in database environments and safeguarding the vulnerable areas in PL/SQL code to avoid code injection. The book gives a deeper insight to transform the readers from mid-level programmers to professional database designers. The advanced concepts covered through this book would surely agitate the readers to dig upon and explore more on the topics. The book has been reviewed by Oracle ACEs Kamran Agayev, Ronald Rood, Mohan Dutta, and Marcel Hoefs. It is under production stage and will be released by 15th May, 2012. The book is on pre sales on Packt's website, Amazon and all leading technical book distributors.