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资源摘要信息: "srio_user_srio接口_srio_gen_SRIO_fpgadspSRIO_sriofpga_" 知识点详细说明: 1. SRIO接口 (Serial RapidIO接口): - SRIO是Serial RapidIO的缩写,是一种高带宽、低延迟、点对点串行通信接口协议。它广泛应用于高性能计算、通信和工业控制领域中的数据传输。 - SRIO接口支持多种数据速率和版本,可以实现10Gbps、20Gbps、40Gbps甚至更高的数据传输速率。 - 该接口支持多种拓扑结构,包括点对点、多点连接和交换结构,且具有良好的可扩展性和容错能力。 - SRIO接口可以实现非常低的延迟,适合要求实时响应的应用,比如多DSP(数字信号处理器)之间的通信。 2. DSP与FPGA的交互: - DSP(数字信号处理器)是一种专门设计用于快速执行数学运算的处理器,尤其适合于执行数字信号处理功能。 - FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)是一种可以通过编程来配置的集成电路,能够实现复杂的数字逻辑。 - DSP与FPGA的交互通常涉及到数据的高速传输和处理,其中FPGA用于前端数据采集和预处理,而DSP进行算法处理和决策。 - 在SRIO接口的基础上,DSP可以通过SRIO与FPGA进行通信,实现高速数据交换。 3. FPGA在SRIO通信中的角色: - FPGA在SRIO通信架构中扮演着关键角色,它可以被编程实现为SRIO接口的控制单元。 - FPGA能够处理SRIO协议的数据包封装、解包、传输控制和错误检测与纠正等任务。 - 利用FPGA的并行处理能力,可以在多个SRIO链路上同时进行数据传输,提高系统的总体吞吐量。 - FPGA内部可以实现复杂的逻辑,如交换矩阵、数据缓存、流量控制等,以适应不同的SRIO网络拓扑结构。 4. srio_gen SRIO库: - srio_gen可能是一个专门针对SRIO接口操作的库或框架,用于简化硬件开发人员在FPGA平台上实现SRIO接口的工作。 - 使用srio_gen库可以帮助开发人员更快地构建与SRIO相关的设计,减少开发时间并提高系统的可靠性。 - 这个库可能提供了大量预定义的模块和接口,使得开发者可以集中精力在应用逻辑的开发上,而不是底层的通信协议实现。 5. sriofpga: - sriofpga可能是一个针对FPGA平台开发的SRIO功能模块或固件。 - 它可以提供SRIO通信所需的物理层、链路层和传输层功能,允许FPGA与外部设备或DSP通过SRIO协议进行通信。 - sriofpga模块的实现可能需要考虑信号完整性、时序约束和电源管理等硬件设计要素,确保在高速操作下的性能稳定性和可靠性。 6. srio_user: - srio_user可能是指定为用户提供的一个SRIO接口使用示例、参考设计或应用文档。 - 该资源可能包含了如何在用户自定义的FPGA设计中集成SRIO接口的详细说明,以及如何实现与DSP交互的编程指南。 - srio_user可能包括硬件设计文件、固件源代码、软件接口库和一系列的测试用例,用于验证设计的正确性和性能指标。 总结: srio_user_srio接口、srio_gen、SRIO、fpgadspSRIO和sriofpga这些标签关联的知识点涵盖了SRIO高速串行接口技术、DSP与FPGA的交互机制、FPGA在SRIO通信中的关键作用以及相关的软件库和用户文档资源。通过这些知识点,开发者可以更好地理解如何在FPGA平台上实现高性能的SRIO接口,以及如何处理与DSP的高速数据交互。
2018-07-27 上传
Core name: Xilinx LogiCORE Serial RapidIO Version: 5.5 Release Date: April 19, 2010 ================================================================================ This document contains the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. New Features 3. Supported Devices 4. Resolved Issues 5. Known Issues 6. Technical Support 7. Other Information (optional) 8. Core Release History 9. Legal Disclaimer ================================================================================ 1. INTRODUCTION For the most recent updates to the IP installation instructions for this core, please go to: For system requirements: This file contains release notes for the Xilinx LogiCORE IP Serial RapidIO v5.5 solution. For the latest core updates, see the product page at: 2. NEW FEATURES - ISE 12.1 software support - Designed to RapidIO Interconnect Specification v2.1 - Virtex-6 LXT/HXT/SXT 5.0 Gbps support - Spartan-6 3.125 Gbps and 4x support - Expanded simulator support - Support for ML505, ML605 and SP605 boards (see Release Notes AR for details) 3. SUPPORTED DEVICES - Virtex-6 LXT/HXT/SXT/CXT - Spartan-6 LXT - Virtex-5 LXT/FXT/SXT - Virtex-4 FX 4. RESOLVED ISSUES - PHY does not properly pass CRF bit to Buffer - Version fixed : v5.5 - CR# 519603 - Updated PHY to properly pass CRF - GT settings for Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 updated based on characterization - Version fixed : v5.5 - PORT_INITIALIZED toggles indefinitely - Version fixed : v5.5 - CR# 551271 - GT wrappers updated so that the core will detect invalid data until RESETDONE asserts. - Processing Element Features CAR implemented incorrectly - Version fixed : v5.5 - CR# 528369 - Part of the PEF CAR was implemented in the PHY configuration space, now it is merged into the LOGIO configuration space as directed by the spec. See core User Guide for map of configuration space. - Recommended modifications to Example Design reset scheme - Version fixed : v5.5 - CR# 533208, 533209, 533212 - Updated reset sequence, see AR# 33574 for specifics. - Example design "implement.bat" file has error - Version fixed : v5.5 - CR# 533796 - Corrected syntax for NGDBuild command. - Virtex-6 clock modules not using production MMCM settings - Version fixed : v5.4rev1 - CR#546021 - Using outdated values from the clocking wizard in clock modules. - Buffer BRAM using READ_FIRST mode - Version fixed : v5.4rev1 - CR#546424 - Using READ_FIRST mode for buffer BRAMs - need to update to WRITE_FIRST mode for Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 based on characterization. - VHDL example design simulation error when CRF bit de-selected - Version fixed : v5.4rev1 - CR# 532020 - Updated example design so that CRF signals not added when CRF support is disabled. - Virtex-6 bring-up issues - Version fixed : v5.4 - CR#527725, CR#525309, CR#531695 - Using integer values for the MMCM_ADV, regenerated Virtex-6 wrappers based on general hardware characterization results, revised reset sequence. Please see core Release Notes for updates. - GUI settings incorrect or not properly reflected in hardware. - Version fixed : v5.4 - CR#507334, CR#528369, CR#528370 / AR#32122 - The following register fields were corrected: Re-transmit Suppression mask, Logical Layer extended features pointer, DeviceVendorID. - Latches inferred in VHDL example design - Version fixed: v5.2 - CR#509670 / AR#32189 - Added intermediate values for partial register and combinational assignments. - lnk_trdy_n does not assert in evaluation core simulations - Version fixed : v5.1rev1 - CR#493479 / AR#31864 - Modified initial state in evaluation cores. - PHY won't generate stand-alone due to missing module - Version fixed : v5.1rev1 - CR#493162 / AR#31834 - Shared file between buffer and log added to buffer file list. - Virtex-4 core has long initialization time - Version fixed : v5.1rev1 - CR#481684 / AR#31617 - Virtex-4 initSM modified to prevent branch to silent when RX PCS resets in DISCOVERY state. - LogIO local arbitration doesn't account for valid causing re-arbitration prior to legitimatepacket completion. - Version fixed : v5.1 - CR#478748 - Valid used to gate mresp_eof_n and iresp_eof_n for local arbitration. - A ireq_dsc_n asserted for an undefined packet type does not get propogated by the logical layer. - Version fixed : v5.1 - CR#478541 - undefined packet type decode now passes dsc to buffer allowing packet to be dropped. - 16-bit deviceID cores may see a maintenance response transaction presented but not validated on the IResp interface resulting in a lost transaction. by the logical layer. - Version fixed : v5.1 - CR#474894 - Fixed issue when the maintenance response is followed immediatly by a single DWord SWrite packet. - SourceID not configureable for IReq port. - Version fixed : v5.1 - CR#473938 - Added ireq_src_id port to logical layer. All transmit source IDs should now be configureable and all received destination IDs observable. - Write enables into LogIO registers aren't allowing partial register writes. - Version fixed : v5.1 - CR#473441 - Write enables now implementedfor all LogIO registers allowing byte-wise writes of CSRs such as the deviceID register and BAR. - Message response transaction received as a user defined packet type using 16-bit device IDs appears as a corrupted packet on the IResp interface. - Version fixed : v5.1 - CR#473400, CR#473693 - Fixed LogIO RX to properly handle all user-defined types. - PHY core does not dsc upon retry when coincident with TX packet eof resulting in potential buffer lock-up - Version fixed : v4.4rev2 - CR#478246 / AR#31407 - lnk_tdst_dsc_n now asserted for all retry and error scenarios. - Retry of packet being sent causes packet to get stuck in buffer - Version fixed : v4.4rev2 - CR#477217 / AR#31318 - No longer applicable, v5.1 introduces new buffer. - Core accepts muddled packet when reinitializing during packet receipt - Version fixed : v4.4rev1 - CR#477115 / AR#31308 - Core PNAs packet in receipt when link goes down. - Core LCSBA implementation removes 64MB of possible addressing space. - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#472992 / AR#30939 - Use 10-bit mask with full 34-bit address for LCSBA intercept. - CRC error on stalled packet - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#469678 / AR#30940 - Fixed condition which loaded in new CRC sequence on a stall just after sof received by PHY. This is a non-concern for Xilinx buffer users. - Virtex-4 4x core may intermittenly train down to 1x mode - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#467616 / AR#30314 - Modified oplm_pcs_rst_sequence.v file supplied with the core to register asynchronous TXLOCK and RXLOCK signals. - Re-initialization not forced following a change to Port Width Override - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#459427 / AR#30323 - Modified PHY Layer to detect a change in the port width override field and reinitialize when updated. - Messaging packets providing incorrect treq_byte_count value - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#467116 / AR#30320 - Modified Logical Layer to properly decode Messaging size field. Modified testbench to properly check byte count for messaging type packets. - 8-bit SWrite transactions usign 16-bit deviceIDs suffer lost eofs - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#467668 / AR#30322 - Modified Logical Layer to properly forward eof through the pipeline. - Some Logical Layer CARs are not being set correctly in the core. - Version fixed : v4.4 - CR#458414 / AR#30054 - The following Logical Layer CARs are not being set correctly in the core: - Assembly Information CAR (offset 0xC) - ExtendedFeaturesPtr portion - Processing Element Features CAR (offset 0x10) - Switch Port Information CAR (offset 0x14) - Destination Operations CAR (offset 0x1C) - Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR (offset 0x34) - Core does not have functionality to enable the user to drop unintended packets based on Device ID. - Version fixed: v4.3. - CR#455552 - Added a new port called deviceid which indicates the current Device ID value stored in the Base Device ID CSR. - Receive side buffer design may corrupt packets - user may see corrupted packets from the logical layer when many small packets cause the status FIFO to fill. - Version fixed: v4.2 - CR#447884 / AR#29263 - No longer applicable, v5.1 introduces new buffer. - Repeated, transmitted packet accepted control symbols referencing the same AckID cause loss of AckID sync - The user will see this as potentially duplicated received packets which ultimately result in a port error condition. - Version fixed: v4.2 - CR#444561 / AR#29233 - Modified the transmit encoder to send a single packet accepted symbol per back-to-back control symbol. - Stomped packet sent after RFR (Restart-from-Retry)control symbol - The user will occasionally see error recovery on a retry which will affect system bandwidth. - Version fixed: v4.2 - CR#435188 / AR#24837 - Modified the PHY interface to kill a packet if discontinued on eof and prevent entry to the buffer. 5. KNOWN ISSUES The following are known issues for v5.5 of this core at time of release: - NGDBuild errors when using ISE GUI unless XST Keep Hierarchy set to Soft - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#534514 / AR#33528 - Please reference the Answer Record for additional information and recommendations. - Virtex-4 FX 3.125G, 4x core may not meet timing. - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#506364 / AR#32195 - Please reference the Answer Record for additional information and recommendations. - Unable to traindown to x1 mode in Lane 2. - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#457109 / AR#30023 - Traindown in Lane 0 works successfully but the Serial RapidIO endpoint is unable to traindown to Lane 2. The RocketIO transceivers only allow traindown to the channel bonding master. - Core reinitialization during error recovery causes recoverable protocol error. - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#457885 / AR#30021 - This is an corner condition that could occur if core is forced to reinitialize (i.e. - force_reinit) while it is in the process of error recovery. If this condition occurs, packets will be sent during recovery's quiet period. This situation is recoverable. - Post-Synplicity synthesis implementation runs may exhibit ucf failures - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#447782 / AR#29522 - Synplicity generated net names are not consistent with XST generated names and may not be consistent between core types. The .ucf file must be edited in these failure cases. Please reference the Serial RapidIO v5.1 web Release Notes for suggested work around. - PNA cause field may occasionally reflect a reserved value - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#436767 / AR#24982 - The cause field is for debug purposes only and will not affect functionality. Occurrence is rare and requires alignment of multiple control symbols. - Control Symbols may be lost on reinit - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#436768 / AR#24970 - This is an unusual and ultimately recoverable error. Set the "Additional Link Request Before Fatal" value on the Physical Configuration page of the GUI to "4" in order to prevent a lost Link Request or Link Response from causing the core to enter the port error state. - Logical Rx does not support core side stalls - Version to be fixed : Fix Not Scheduled - CR#436770 / AR#24968 - The rx buffer must provide packets to the logical layer without buffer induced stall cycles. The buffer reference design provided with the core is a store and forward buffer and complies with this rule. The most recent information, including known issues, workarounds, and resolutions for this version is provided in the IP Release Notes Guide located at 6. TECHNICAL SUPPORT To obtain technical support, create a WebCase at Questions are routed to a team with expertise using this product. Xilinx provides technical support for use of this product when used according to the guidelines described in the core documentation, and cannot guarantee timing, functionality, or support of this product for designs that do not follow specified guidelines. 7. OTHER INFORMATION - N/A 8. CORE RELEASE HISTORY Date By Version Description ================================================================================ 04/2010 Xilinx, Inc. 5.5 5.0 Gbps support 03/2010 Xilinx, Inc. 5.4 Revision 1 11.5 support/Patch Release 09/2009 Xilinx, Inc. 5.4 Spartan-6 support 06/2009 Xilinx, Inc. 5.3 Virtex-6 support 04/2009 Xilinx, Inc. 5.2 11.1i support 11/2008 Xilinx, Inc. 5.1 Revision 1 Patch Release 09/2008 Xilinx, Inc. 5.1 New Buffer LogiCore 07/2008 Xilinx, Inc. 4.4 Revision 2 Patch Release 07/2008 Xilinx, Inc. 4.4 Revision 1 Patch Release 06/2008 Xilinx, Inc. 4.4 Bug Fixes 03/2008 Xilinx, Inc. 4.3 10.1i support 10/2007 Xilinx, Inc. 4.2 9.2i support 02/2007 Xilinx, Inc. 4.1 9.1i support 02/2006 Xilinx, Inc. 3.1 Revision 1 Patch Release 01/2006 Xilinx, Inc. 3.1 8.1i support ================================================================================ 9. Legal Disclaimer (c) Copyright 2006 - 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. DISCLAIMER This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. CRITICAL APPLICATIONS Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product liability. THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES.