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With the rapid development and widespread use of smartphones, the Android operating system has gained more recognition and application in society. In recent years, mobile phone applications in the education industry have become more widespread, and study planning apps have emerged as a result. In the process of study planning, setting goals and deadlines with purpose is crucial. Simple goal planning with daily check-ins allows individuals to measure their progress towards goals and make their daily tasks clearer.
This design and implementation of a university student study planning app utilizes Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA as development tools, Java programming language for software development and design, MySQL as the database, Spring Boot as the framework, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the web interface. The main functionalities of this design include user registration and login, creating new plans, liking, commenting, following, modifying personal information on the mobile app, and administrator login, information modification, and user management on the PC end.
This paper introduces the research background, functional design, and development process of the university student study planning app. Key words include study planning, MySQL database, and Java programming language.
2022-06-23 上传

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