Oversubscribed Command Queues in GPUs
GPGPU’18, Vosendorf, Austria
(HSA queues) to launch kernels. However, it is challenging for the
GPU to locate all outstanding works on these queues when it can
only monitor a fixed number of queues at a time. Therefore, the
GPU periodically swaps different queues into the available
hardware queue slots (hereafter referred as hardware queues) and
processes ready tasks on the monitored queues. To ensure all
queues are eventually serviced, the hardware will swap in and out
queues at regular intervals, called the scheduling quantum.
When the number of allocated HSA queues is greater than the
number of hardware queues, the GPU wastes significant time
rotating between all allocated queues in search of ready tasks.
Furthermore, barrier packets that handle task dependencies can
block queues while waiting for prior tasks to complete. In this
situation, it is important for the GPU to choose a scheduling policy
that prioritizes queues having ready tasks. In this work, combining
round-robin and priority-based scheduling with various queue
mapping and unmapping criteria, we evaluate five different
scheduling policies (three round-robin and two priority-based).
3. GPU Command Queue Organization
Figure 2 shows the GPU queue scheduling and task dispatching
mechanism used in this paper. The GPU device driver is
responsible for creating queues in the system memory. The driver
also creates a queue list that contains the queue descriptors of all
the queues created by the application. Queue descriptors have all
the necessary information to access HSA queues, such as the
pointer to the base address of a queue. This queue list is passed to
the GPU hardware scheduler during initialization phase. Although
the queue list is read by the hardware scheduler, it is modified only
by the device driver. The hardware scheduler maps and unmaps
queues from the queue list to the hardware list stored inside the
packet processor at each scheduling quantum. The number of
entries in the hardware list is limited and each entry in the hardware
list corresponds to the HSA queue mapped to a hardware queue.
The packet processor monitors these hardware queues, processes
both kernel dispatch and barrier HSA packets, resolves
dependencies expressed by barrier packets and forwards ready
tasks to the dispatcher. The dispatcher then launches these tasks on
the shaders in work-group granularity.
When the HSA queues are oversubscribed, the hardware
scheduler unmaps a queue from the hardware list and maps a new
queue from the queue list. Our baseline hardware scheduler selects
a new queue to be mapped at each scheduling quantum based on a
round-robin policy. However, the newly selected queue may not
have ready tasks, resulting in idling GPU resources. Priority-based
queue scheduling techniques tries to reduce idling by intelligently
mapping a queue with ready tasks. The next section discusses this
priority-based queue scheduling in detail.
4. Priority-Based Queue Scheduling
While HSA can expose more task level concurrency to the GPU, it
shifts the burden of task scheduling to the hardware. In a complex
task graph with hundreds of interdependent tasks, many task queues
can become unblocked at any given time. From a data dependency
standpoint, the task scheduler is free to launch any ready task.
However, a naïve policy may not be able to achieve efficient use of
resources and may leave tasks blocked for long periods of time.
Figure 3 explains the deficiency of the naïve scheduler. Tasks
on the initial critical path of execution are marked in red in Figure
3 (a). After task A is executed, both tasks B and C are ready to
execute. A naïve scheduler could pick either of these two tasks, but
executing task B first is the better scheduling decision because task
B is on the critical path. Task C can be delayed, but Figure 3 (b)
shows delaying the execution of task C until tasks B, D, and F
complete, puts task C on the critical path. A more informed
scheduler would have executed task C before task F.
To make better decisions, a task priority-aware scheduler is
needed. Many techniques have been proposed in literature to
prioritize tasks [15][54]. One such technique is the Heterogeneous
Earliest-Finish-Time (HEFT) algorithm proposed by Topçuoğlu et
al. [54] that computes upward ranks of the tasks and selects the task
with highest upward rank for scheduling. A task’s upward rank is
its distance from an exit node. Figure 3 (c) shows the same task
graph from Figure 3 (a) with each task annotated with their upward
rank. The ranking uses HEFT algorithm but assumes equal
computation time for all tasks. Since the tasks are now annotated
with priorities, a scheduler that is aware of the priorities can make
informed scheduling decisions. For example, after task A is
completed, priority-based scheduler will choose task B to be
scheduled because the rank of task B (rank 4) is higher than task C
(rank 3). In this paper, we use this HEFT algorithm to determine
the priorities of each task.
4.1 Priority-based Hardware Scheduling in HSA
There are three challenges to implement a priority-based task
scheduler, (a) the tasks need to be annotated by a ranking algorithm,
(b) these annotations should be exposed to the scheduler, and (c)
the scheduler should be able to use these rankings when making
scheduling decisions.
Since HSA relies on queues to expose concurrency and schedule
tasks, we modified the HSA queue creation API [Figure 4], to
include a priority field. A queue priority (or rank) is a positive
integer value that can be specified at the time of queue creation and
Figure 3. Task graph execution and priorities.
C (3)
A (5)
B (4)
D (3)
F (2)
G (1)
E (2)
to be run
critical path
Q3 Q4
hsa_queue_create(gpu_agent, queue_size,
UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, q_ptr, priority);
Figure 4. HSA API modifications. priority is added to HSA
queue create API.