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资源摘要信息: "压缩感知(Compressed Sensing,CS)是信号处理领域的一项突破性技术,它允许以远低于奈奎斯特采样率的方式对信号进行采样,同时仍能从这些低采样率的数据中重建出原始信号。压缩感知理论指出,如果一个信号是稀疏的,或者可以转换为稀疏信号,在某个变换域内,那么这个信号就可以通过远少于奈奎斯特采样定律所要求的采样点来重建。这种理论在图像处理、无线通讯、地震数据采集等领域有着广泛的应用。 本资源提供了一个简单的MATLAB程序,名为cs_model.m,目的是为了展示压缩感知技术的实现过程。MATLAB是一种广泛使用的数学计算和可视化软件,非常适合于算法原型设计和快速开发。在cs_model.m文件中,开发者可能包含了以下几个关键步骤: 1. 信号生成:首先创建或选择一个稀疏信号,这是压缩感知能够实现的前提条件。稀疏信号意味着在某个变换域(如傅里叶变换、小波变换等)内,信号大部分系数接近于零,只有少数系数是非零的。 2. 测量矩阵设计:在压缩感知中,需要设计一个测量矩阵来进行信号的不完全采样。这个矩阵通常与变换矩阵不相关或不完全相关,确保测量值能够携带足够的信息重建原始信号。 3. 采样过程:通过测量矩阵与原始信号的乘积来获得测量值。这个过程相当于从信号中提取关键信息,这个信息量远小于原始信号的完整采样点数。 4. 信号重建:最后一步是利用测量值和适当的重建算法来恢复出原始信号。常用的重建算法有基追踪(Basis Pursuit,BP)、匹配追踪(Matching Pursuit,MP)、正交匹配追踪(Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,OMP)等。 该MATLAB程序的发布,旨在为研究者和工程师提供一个基础的实验平台,帮助他们理解和实现压缩感知理论,并在此基础上进行算法的开发和应用探索。 标签‘cs_matlab’表明这个文件专注于将压缩感知技术与MATLAB软件的结合,提供了一个实用的工具,让研究者可以在这个平台上进行信号处理和算法验证。" 【标题】:"cs_model.rar_CS matlab" 【描述】:"用于压缩感知的简单MATLAB程序,供大家参考。。。" 【标签】:"cs_matlab" 【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】: cs_model.m

clear all; % TODO: Edit this to point to the folder your caffe mex file is in. % path_to_matcaffe = '/data/jkrause/cs231b/caffe-rc2/matlab/caffe'; path_to_matcaffe = 'C:/Users/DELL/Downloads/caffe-master/windows'; addpath(path_to_matcaffe) % Load up the image im = imread('peppers.png'); % Get some random image regions (format of each row is [x1 y1 x2 y2]) % Note: If you want to change the number of regions you extract features from, % then you need to change the first input_dim in cnn_deploy.prototxt. regions = [ 1 1 100 100; 100 50 400 250; 1 1 512 284; 200 200 230 220 100 100 300 200]; % Convert image from RGB to BGR and single, which caffe requires. im = single(im(:,:,[3 2 1])); % Get the image mean and crop it to the center mean_data = load('ilsvrc_2012_mean.mat'); image_mean = mean_data.image_mean; cnn_input_size = 227; % Input size to the cnn we trained. off = floor((size(image_mean,1) - cnn_input_size)/2)+1; image_mean = image_mean(off:off+cnn_input_size-1, off:off+cnn_input_size-1, :); % Extract each region ims = zeros(cnn_input_size, cnn_input_size, 3, size(regions, 1), 'single'); for i = 1:size(regions, 1) r = regions(i,:); reg = im(r(2):r(4), r(1):r(3), :); % Resize to input CNN size and subtract mean reg = imresize(reg, [cnn_input_size, cnn_input_size], 'bilinear', 'antialiasing', false); reg = reg - image_mean; % Swap dims 1 and 2 to work with caffe ims(:,:,:,i) = permute(reg, [2 1 3]); end % Initialize caffe with our network. % -cnn_deploy.prototxt gives the structure of the network we're using for % extracting features and is how we specify we want fc6 features. % -cnn512.caffemodel is the binary network containing all the learned weights. % -'test' indicates that we're only going to be extracting features and not % training anything init_key = caffe('init', 'cnn_deploy.prototxt', 'cnn512.caffemodel', 'test'); caffe('set_device', 0); % Specify which gpu we want to use. In this case, let's use the first gpu. caffe('set_mode_gpu'); %caffe('set_mode_cpu'); % Use if you want to use a cpu for whatever reason % Run the CNN f = caffe('forward', {ims}); % Convert the features to (num. dims) x (num. regions) feat = single(reshape(f{1}(:), [], size(ims, 4)));

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