Fig. 3. PM versus
g =g
of a SMC amplifier.
From (6) and Fig. 3, the PM of a SMC amplifier strongly de-
pends on the
to ratio and this, in fact, shows the RHP
zero effect on the PM. Physically, the presence of the RHP zero
is due to the feedforward small-signal current flowing through
the compensation capacitor to the output [1]–[11]. If
large, the small-signal output current is larger than the feed-
forward current and the effect of the RHP zero appears only
at very high frequencies. Thus, a small
gives a better
PM, so a smaller
is preferable. However, is limited by
the bias current and size of the input differential pair. To have
a good slew rate, the bias current cannot be small. In addition,
to have a small offset voltage, the size of input differential pair
cannot be too small. Emitter/source degeneration technique is
also not feasible to reduce
since it reduces the limited input
common-mode range in low-voltage design. Therefore, a small
cannot be obtained easily.
From the previous analysis, it is known that the RHP zero
degrades the stability significantly. There are many methods
to eliminate the RHP zero and improve the bandwidth. The
methods involve using voltage buffer [4]–[6] and current buffer
[7], [8], a nulling resistor [2], [3], [9]–[11], and MZC technique
[12]. In this paper, the techniques to be discussed are: 1) SMC
using nulling resistor (SMCNR) and 2) SMC using MZC.
The presence of the RHP zero is due to the feedforward small-
signal current. One method for reducing the feedforward current
and thus eliminating the RHP zero is to increase the impedance
of the capacitive path. This can be done by inserting a resistor,
called nulling resistor, in series with the compensation capacitor,
as shown in Fig. 1(b). Most published analyses only focus on the
effect of the nulling resistor to the position of the zero but not
to the positions of the poles. In fact, when the nulling resistor is
increased to infinity, the compensation network is open-circuit
and no pole splitting takes place. Thus, the target of this section
is to investigate the limit of the nulling resistor.
The transfer function of the SMNCR (
), is as shown as (7)
at the bottom of the page. Now, the dominant pole, nondominant
pole and zero are given by
, respectively. It is well-known that when
, is completely eliminated. In addition, as
is generally much smaller than , and
are approximately the same as in SMC without the nulling
resistor. Therefore, the value of
is determined by (4). The
GBW is also given by (5) and the PM is about 63
due to the
absence of the RHP zero.
However, many designers prefer to use a nulling resistor with
value larger than
since an accurate value of is dif-
ficult to obtain and a LHP zero, which increases the PM, is
created. In fact, from (7), when
is increased, the positions
of the poles will be changed accordingly and moved to lower
frequencies. The pole-splitting effect is destroyed if
is too
large. In other words, there is a limit of
and suggested to be
. This upper limit is based on the
compromise that
in both the expressions of and
are negligible.
B. SMC Using MZC
In many high-performance two-stage amplifiersdrivingresis-
tive load, a Class-AB output stage is used to obtain a good con-
trol of the quiescent-to-maximum output current ratio. Since the
output current changes during the operation,
is not a con-
stant and a precise cancellation of the RHP zero by a fixed
not possible. The amplifier may not be stable at certain output
current level, so SMC using MZC was introduced [12]. MZC
is a simple but effective method to eliminate the RHP zero. It
has an additional advantage that the positions of the poles are
not affected by the additional circuitry. As shown in Fig. 1(c), a
feedforward transconductance stage (FTS) is added and it pro-
duces an out-of-phase small-signal current (
to cancel the feedforward small-signal current (
which passes through
at high frequencies. Theoretically,
, is completely canceled by . This
can be shown by the transfer function
From the transfer function, the cancellation of
is achieved, as stated before,
by setting
, which is independent of .
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