《SAP-1 CPU架构详解与实验设计》

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(SAP-1 CPU and Computer Architecture Introduction.pptx) The SAP-1 CPU and Computer Architecture Introduction.pptx presentation provides a detailed overview of the components and design of the SAP-1 CPU and computer architecture. The presentation covers various aspects such as the architecture overview, SAP-1 CPU instructions, addressing modes, and program design. Additionally, it delves into the design and simulation of a 16x8 ROM as well as the design and simulation of the SAP-1 CPU. The main objective of the experiment is to understand the principles behind the SAP-1 CPU design and simulation. The presentation also introduces the group members involved in the experiment, including Xue Bao, Wang Wei, Gao Liang, Wu Anle, Lu Rencong, Xie Subin, Wu Yunxing, and Jiang Xianqing. The SAP-1 CPU and computer architecture are composed of various registers connected to the webus through three-state outputs. While traditional TTL circuits were initially used, current designs incorporate CPLD technology for improved efficiency and performance. This allows for better integration of components and enhanced functionality in the SAP-1 CPU and overall computer architecture.