Java IO流详解:从入门到精通

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"这是一本关于Java IO流的优秀学习资料,适合对IO理解困难的读者,涵盖了IO流的基础概念、分类以及四大抽象类,并详细介绍了InputStream、OutputStream、Writer和Reader的基本方法,还涉及到节点流的使用,特别是FileInputStream和FileOutputStream在文件访问中的应用。" Java的IO流是编程中至关重要的部分,它负责数据的输入和输出操作。IO流的核心在于如何高效、便捷地处理数据流。以下是对标题和描述中知识点的详细说明: 1. **IO流的分类**: - **输入流和输出流**:按照数据流动方向,IO流分为输入流(Input Stream),用于读取数据;输出流(Output Stream),用于写入数据。 - **字节流和字符流**:根据处理的数据单位,IO流分为字节流(Byte Stream),处理单个字节数据;字符流(Character Stream),处理Unicode字符,更适合文本数据。 - **节点流和处理流**:节点流(如FileInputStream和FileOutputStream)直接与数据源或目标关联,处理流(如BufferedReader和BufferedWriter)则在节点流基础上提供更高级的功能,如缓冲、格式化等。 2. **四大抽象类**: - **字符流**:以字符为基本处理单元,包括`Reader`和`Writer`,它们是所有字符流的基类。`Reader`用于读取字符,`Writer`用于写入字符。 - **字节流**:以字节为基本处理单元,包括`InputStream`和`OutputStream`,它们是所有字节流的基类。`InputStream`用于读取字节,`OutputStream`用于写入字节。 3. **具体流的介绍**: - **InputStream**:提供了读取字节的基本方法,如`read()`用于读取一个字节,返回-1表示到达流末尾,`close()`用于关闭流并释放资源,`skip()`用于跳过指定数量的字节。 - **OutputStream**:提供写入字节的方法,如`write(int b)`用于写入一个字节,`flush()`用于强制写出缓冲区内的数据。 - **Writer**:提供写入字符的方法,如`write(int c)`写入单个字符,`write(String str)`写入整个字符串,`flush()`同样用于清除缓冲区。 - **Reader**:提供读取字符的方法,如`read()`读取单个字符,返回-1表示结束。 4. **节点流**: - 节点流直接与特定的数据源(如文件、网络连接)交互,如`FileInputStream`和`FileOutputStream`用于读写文件。它们是实际进行数据传输的底层实现。 5. **文件访问**: - `FileInputStream`和`FileOutputStream`是Java中直接操作文件的节点流。前者用于读取文件,后者用于写入文件。通过这两个类,可以实现对文件的读写操作,例如读取文件内容,向文件追加或覆盖数据。 理解并熟练掌握Java的IO流对于开发涉及数据传输、文件操作的程序至关重要。通过这些基础,可以构建复杂的数据处理系统,如文件复制、网络数据交换等。在实际编程中,通常会结合使用各种流来优化性能和功能。
2018-04-28 上传
Input/output (I/O) is not a sexy subject, but it’s an important part of non-trivial applications. This book introduces you to most of Java’s I/O capabilities as of Java 8 update 51. Chapter 1 presents a broad overview of I/O in terms of Java’s classic I/O, New I/O (NIO), and NIO.2 categories. You learn what each category offers in terms of its capabilities, and you also learn about concepts such as paths and Direct Memory Access. Chapters 2 through 5 cover classic I/O APIs. You learn about the File and RandomAccessFile classes along with streams (including object serialization and externalization) and writers/readers. Chapters 6 through 11 focus on NIO. You explore buffers, channels, selectors, regular expressions, charsets, and formatters. (Formatters were not introduced with the other NIO types in Java 1.4 because they depend on the variable arguments capability that was introduced in Java 5.) NIO is missing several features, which were subsequently provided by NIO.2. Chapters 12 through 14 cover NIO.2’s improved file system interface, asynchronous I/O, and the completion of socket channel functionality. Each chapter ends with assorted exercises that are designed to help you master its content. Along with long answers and true/false questions, you are often confronted with programming exercises. Appendix A provides the answers and solutions. Appendix B provides a tutorial on sockets and network interfaces. Although not directly related to classic I/O, NIO, and NIO.2, they leverage I/O capabilities and are mentioned elsewhere in this book.