深入C++ Boost库:超越标准库的编程革命

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"超越C++标准库:Boost入门" 《Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost》由Björn Karlsson撰写,是关于C++编程领域的一个里程碑式的作品,它将读者引向C++标准库之外,探索Boost库的广阔世界。Boost库为C++程序员提供了更优雅、更健壮、更高效的编程工具。这本书首次由一位Boost库的专家系统地介绍了一系列Boost库,并分享了使用这些库的最佳实践。 书中的内容面向中级到高级的C++开发者,Björn Karlsson首先概述了全部58个Boost库,然后对其中12个特别实用的库进行了深入的讲解。这些库涵盖了从智能指针、类型转换到容器和数据结构的各种主题,展示了如何利用每个库来提升代码质量。作者详细讨论了高阶函数对象,它们使代码更加简洁、表达力更强且易于阅读。 在书中,Karlsson带领读者深入了解Boost的幕后,揭示了创建自定义泛型库的工具和技术。这对于那些想要提升自身编程技巧,尤其是对元编程和模板编程感兴趣的开发者来说,是一份宝贵的学习资料。通过学习Boost库,开发者能够掌握更高效的设计模式,提高代码复用性,并减少程序错误的可能性。 Boost库中的几个关键库如: 1. Boost.smart_ptr(智能指针):包括shared_ptr、unique_ptr等,它们管理动态分配的对象,防止内存泄漏,使得内存管理更加安全和自动化。 2. Boost.TypeErasure(类型擦除):允许在运行时使用具有共同接口的不同类型的对象,提供了一种泛化的类型系统。 3. Boost.Iterator(迭代器库):扩展了标准库中的迭代器概念,提供了一组工具来创建和操作迭代器,使得遍历数据集合更为灵活。 4. Boost.Range(范围库):提供了一种处理序列的统一方法,简化了对容器和数组的操作。 5. Boost.Signals(信号与槽):实现了一种事件驱动编程机制,类似于Qt库中的信号和槽,可以方便地连接函数和成员函数,实现回调功能。 6. Boost.ConceptCheck(概念检查):用于在编译时验证函数参数是否满足特定的概念,增强了模板编程的类型安全性。 7. Boost.Graph(图库):为处理各种图算法和数据结构提供了丰富的工具,适用于网络分析、调度问题等领域。 8. Boost.DateTime(日期时间库):提供了一个强大且灵活的日期和时间处理系统,支持日期计算和时间间隔操作。 9. Boost.Function(函数对象库):封装任何可调用对象,使得可以将函数和函数对象作为参数传递。 10. Boost.Asio(异步I/O库):用于网络编程,支持多种平台的并发和同步操作,包括套接字、定时器和信号处理。 通过学习《Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost》,开发者不仅可以掌握Boost库的核心特性,还能了解到如何将这些特性应用于实际项目,提升软件开发的效率和质量。这本书对于希望提升C++编程技能的专业人士来说,无疑是一本必备的参考书。
2023-06-03 上传

(a) Consider the case of a European Vanilla Call option which is path independent. Examine the convergence of the Monte Carlo Method using the programme given in ‘MC Call.m’. How does the error vary with the number of paths nP aths? The current time is t = 0 and the Expiry date of the option is t = T = 0.5. Suppose that the current value of the underlying asset is S(t = 0) = 100 and the Exercise price is E = 100, with a risk free interest rate of r = 0.04 and a volatility of σ = 0.5. (b) Now repeat part (a) above but assume that the volatility is σ = 0.05. Does the change in the volatility σ influence the convergence of the Monte Carlo Method? (c) Now repeat part (a) but instead of taking one big step from t = 0 to t = T divide the interval into nSteps discrete time steps by using the programme given in ‘MC Call Small Steps.m’. Confirm that for path independent options, the value of nP aths determines the rate of convergence and that the value of nSteps can be set to 1. (d) Now let us consider path dependent options. The programme given in ‘MC Call Small Steps.m’ is the obvious starting point here. We assume that the current time is t = 0 and the expiry date of the option is t = T = 0.5. The current value of the underlying asset is S(t = 0) = 100 and the risk free interest rate is r = 0.05 and the volatility is σ = 0.3. (i) Use the Monte Carlo Method to estimate the value of an Arithematic Average Asian Strike Call option with Payoff given by max(S(T) − S, ¯ 0). (ii) Use the Monte Carlo Method to estimate the value of an Up and Out Call option with Exercise Price E = 100 and a barrier X = 150. (iii) Comment on the the rate of convergence for part (i) and (ii) above with respect to the parameters nP aths and nP aths使用matlab编程

2023-06-11 上传

Complete the Mint and Coin classes so that the coins created by a mint have the correct year and worth. - Each Mint instance has a year stamp. The update method sets the year stamp to the current_year class attribute of the Mint class. - The create method takes a subclass of Coin and returns an instance of that class stamped with the mint's year (which may be different from Mint.current_year if it has not been updated.) - A Coin's worth method returns the cents value of the coin plus one extra cent for each year of age beyond 50. A coin's age can be determined by subtracting the coin's year from the current_year class attribute of the Mint class. ```python class Mint: """A mint creates coins by stamping on years. The update method sets the mint's stamp to Mint.current_year. >>> mint = Mint() >>> mint.year 2020 >>> dime = mint.create(Dime) >>> dime.year 2020 >>> Mint.current_year = 2100 # Time passes >>> nickel = mint.create(Nickel) >>> nickel.year # The mint has not updated its stamp yet 2020 >>> nickel.worth() # 5 cents + (80 - 50 years) 35 >>> mint.update() # The mint's year is updated to 2100 >>> Mint.current_year = 2175 # More time passes >>> mint.create(Dime).worth() # 10 cents + (75 - 50 years) 35 >>> Mint().create(Dime).worth() # A new mint has the current year 10 >>> dime.worth() # 10 cents + (155 - 50 years) 115 >>> Dime.cents = 20 # Upgrade all dimes! >>> dime.worth() # 20 cents + (155 - 50 years) 125 """ current_year = 2020 def init(self): self.update() def create(self, kind): "*** YOUR CODE HERE " def update(self): " YOUR CODE HERE " class Coin: def init(self, year): self.year = year def worth(self): " YOUR CODE HERE ***" class Nickel(Coin): cents = 5 class Dime(Coin): cents = 10

2023-06-03 上传