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"实施费用也能DIY - networking all-in-one for dummies 6th 2016第6版 无水印pdf 0分" 在《实施费用也能DIY》这一章节中,作者讨论了软件开发项目的成本计算方法,特别强调了如何合理地估算和收取实施费用。章节的核心观点围绕以下几个方面展开: 1. 工作日计算:作者提到,94天的工作日是项目的工作时间,不包括双休日。在计算费用时,不应将休息日纳入,因为这不符合实际情况,且在与客户结算时,休息日不应被视为工作时间。 2. 团队协作:反驳了认为并非所有人都在整个94天内全职工作的观点。作者指出,软件开发是一个协作的过程,包括调研、设计、编码、测试和文档编写等多个阶段,这些阶段往往是并行进行的,需要整个团队的配合。因此,计算费用时需要考虑整个团队在这94天内的贡献。 3. 行业现状:作者提到了现实中的一些做法,如通过吃饭、娱乐甚至回扣来拉近与客户的距离,但他认为,真正的专业精神应该是基于透明和合理的费用计算,而不是依赖这些额外手段。 4. 客户关系:虽然现实中的客户可能接受多种方式的“优惠”,但长期而言,建立基于专业性和透明度的合作关系对软件公司的健康发展更为重要。 《走出软件作坊》这本书通过多个章节,如“项目经理的工具箱”、“客服顾问的工具箱”等,深入探讨了软件开发企业如何从作坊式运作转变为正规化、专业化。书中涵盖了技术领导的角色(如技术总监与CTO的区别)、项目管理、团队建设、销售策略、客户服务等多个方面,旨在帮助小型软件开发团队提升效率、降低成本,走向正规化和规模化。 书中的内容提醒我们,软件开发不仅仅是一项技术活动,更是一个涉及多方面管理、沟通和协作的复杂过程。为了在竞争激烈的市场中立足,软件企业必须重视规范化的运营,提高团队协作效率,以及建立公平合理的收费体系。同时,保持专业精神和透明度,将有助于赢得客户信任,促进企业的长远发展。

翻译 There are several reasons a network designed on layer-2 protocols is selected over a network designed on layer-3 protocols. In spite of the difficulties of using a bridge to perform the network role of a router, many vendors, customers, and service providers choose to use Ethernet in as many parts of their networks as possible. The benefits of selecting a layer-2 design are: Ethernet frames contain all the essentials for networking. These include, but are not limited to, globally unique source addresses, globally unique destination addresses, and error control. Ethernet frames can carry any kind of packet. Networking at layer-2 is independent of the layer-3 protocol. Adding more layers to the Ethernet frame only slows the networking process down. This is known as nodal processing delay. You can add adjunct networking features, for example class of service (CoS) or multicasting, to Ethernet as readily as IP networks. VLANs are an easy mechanism for isolating networks. Most information starts and ends inside Ethernet frames. Today this applies to data, voice, and video. The concept is that the network will benefit more from the advantages of Ethernet if the transfer of information from a source to a destination is in the form of Ethernet frames. Although it is not a substitute for IP networking, networking at layer-2 can be a powerful adjunct to IP networking. Layer-2 Ethernet usage has additional benefits over layer-3 IP network usage: Speed Reduced overhead of the IP hierarchy. No need to keep track of address configuration as systems move around. Whereas the simplicity of layer-2 protocols might work well in a data center with hundreds of physical machines, cloud data centers have the additional burden of needing to keep track of all virtual machine addresses and networks. In these data centers, it is not uncommon for one physical node to support 30-40 instances.

2023-07-23 上传