Akka Java Documentation, Release 2.3.5
Because the internal state is vital to an actor’s operations, having inconsistent state is fatal. Thus, when the actor
fails and is restarted by its supervisor, the state will be created from scratch, like upon first creating the actor. This
is to enable the ability of self-healing of the system.
Optionally, an actor’s state can be automatically recovered to the state before a restart by persisting received
messages and replaying them after restart (see persistence-scala).
2.3.3 Behavior
Every time a message is processed, it is matched against the current behavior of the actor. Behavior means a
function which defines the actions to be taken in reaction to the message at that point in time, say forward a
request if the client is authorized, deny it otherwise. This behavior may change over time, e.g. because different
clients obtain authorization over time, or because the actor may go into an “out-of-service” mode and later come
back. These changes are achieved by either encoding them in state variables which are read from the behavior
logic, or the function itself may be swapped out at runtime, see the become and unbecome operations. However,
the initial behavior defined during construction of the actor object is special in the sense that a restart of the actor
will reset its behavior to this initial one.
2.3.4 Mailbox
An actor’s purpose is the processing of messages, and these messages were sent to the actor from other actors (or
from outside the actor system). The piece which connects sender and receiver is the actor’s mailbox: each actor
has exactly one mailbox to which all senders enqueue their messages. Enqueuing happens in the time-order of
send operations, which means that messages sent from different actors may not have a defined order at runtime
due to the apparent randomness of distributing actors across threads. Sending multiple messages to the same target
from the same actor, on the other hand, will enqueue them in the same order.
There are different mailbox implementations to choose from, the default being a FIFO: the order of the messages
processed by the actor matches the order in which they were enqueued. This is usually a good default, but
applications may need to prioritize some messages over others. In this case, a priority mailbox will enqueue not
always at the end but at a position as given by the message priority, which might even be at the front. While using
such a queue, the order of messages processed will naturally be defined by the queue’s algorithm and in general
not be FIFO.
An important feature in which Akka differs from some other actor model implementations is that the current
behavior must always handle the next dequeued message, there is no scanning the mailbox for the next matching
one. Failure to handle a message will typically be treated as a failure, unless this behavior is overridden.
2.3.5 Children
Each actor is potentially a supervisor: if it creates children for delegating sub-tasks, it will automatically supervise
them. The list of children is maintained within the actor’s context and the actor has access to it. Modifications to
the list are done by creating (context.actorOf(...)) or stopping (context.stop(child)) children
and these actions are reflected immediately. The actual creation and termination actions happen behind the scenes
in an asynchronous way, so they do not “block” their supervisor.
2.3.6 Supervisor Strategy
The final piece of an actor is its strategy for handling faults of its children. Fault handling is then done transparently
by Akka, applying one of the strategies described in Supervision and Monitoring for each incoming failure. As
this strategy is fundamental to how an actor system is structured, it cannot be changed once an actor has been
Considering that there is only one such strategy for each actor, this means that if different strategies apply to
the various children of an actor, the children should be grouped beneath intermediate supervisors with matching
strategies, preferring once more the structuring of actor systems according to the splitting of tasks into sub-tasks.
2.3. What is an Actor? 14