Real-Time Grasp Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Joseph Redmon
, Anelia Angelova
Abstract— We present an accurate, real-time approach to
robotic grasp detection based on convolutional neural networks.
Our network performs single-stage regression to graspable
bounding boxes without using standard sliding window or
region proposal techniques. The model outperforms state-of-
the-art approaches by 14 percentage points and runs at 13
frames per second on a GPU. Our network can simultaneously
perform classification so that in a single step it recognizes the
object and finds a good grasp rectangle. A modification to this
model predicts multiple grasps per object by using a locally
constrained prediction mechanism. The locally constrained
model performs significantly better, especially on objects that
can be grasped in a variety of ways.
Perception—using the senses (or sensors if you are a
robot) to understand your environment—is hard. Visual per-
ception involves mapping pixel values and light information
onto a model of the universe to infer your surroundings. Gen-
eral scene understanding requires complex visual tasks such
as segmenting a scene into component parts, recognizing
what those parts are, and disambiguating between visually
similar objects. Due to these complexities, visual perception
is a large bottleneck in real robotic systems.
General purpose robots need the ability to interact with
and manipulate objects in the physical world. Humans see
novel objects and know immediately, almost instinctively,
how they would grab them to pick them up. Robotic grasp
detection lags far behind human performance. We focus on
the problem of finding a good grasp given an RGB-D view
of the object.
We evaluate on the Cornell Grasp Detection Dataset, an
extensive dataset with numerous objects and ground-truth
labelled grasps (see Figure 1). Recent work on this dataset
runs at 13.5 seconds per frame with an accuracy of 75 percent
[1] [2]. This translates to a 13.5 second delay between a robot
viewing a scene and finding where to move its grasper.
The most common approach to grasp detection is a sliding
window detection framework. The sliding window approach
uses a classifier to determine whether small patches of an
image constitute good grasps for an object in that image. This
type of system requires applying the classifier to numerous
places on the image. Patches that score highly are considered
good potential grasps.
We take a different approach; we apply a single network
once to an image and predict grasp coordinates directly. Our
network is comparatively large but because we only apply
it once to an image we get a massive performance boost.
University of Washington
Google Research
Fig. 1. The Cornell Grasping Dataset contains a variety of objects, each
with multiple labelled grasps. Grasps are given as oriented rectangles in
Instead of looking only at local patches our network uses
global information in the image to inform its grasp predic-
tions, making it significantly more accurate. Our network
achieves 88 percent accuracy and runs at real-time speeds
(13 frames per second). This redefines the state-of-the-art
for RGB-D grasp detection.
Significant past work uses 3-D simulations to find good
grasps [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]. These approaches are powerful but
rely on a full 3-D model and other physical information about
an object to find an appropriate grasp. Full object models are
often not known a priori. General purpose robots may need
to grasp novel objects without first building complex 3-D
models of the object.
Robotic systems increasingly leverage RGB-D sensors and
data for tasks like object recognition [8], detection [9] [10],
and mapping [11] [12]. RGB-D sensors like the Kinect are
cheap, and the extra depth information is invaluable for
robots that interact with a 3-D environment.
Recent work on grasp detection focusses on the problem
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, Washington, May 26-30, 2015
978-1-4799-6923-4/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 1316