
0 下载量 143 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 1 收藏 2.25MB DOCX 举报
Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, the application of network technology in the economic field is most prominent in e-commerce. E-commerce fundamentally changes the traditional mode of buying and selling goods, making transactions between buyers and sellers more convenient and reducing transaction costs. The online shopping system is a system that includes interactive functional goods trading online, creating a virtual shopping mall online, making shopping easy, fast, and convenient. This system is divided into two main modules. The front end includes user registration and login, browsing products, querying products, product evaluations, ordering products, shopping carts, etc.; the back end includes management of products and their categories, viewing user information, order details, comment management, and other functions. The front end of this system is developed using JSP language, the back end database is MySQL, implemented using MyEclipse, JSP engine is tomcat7.0.6, presented to users as a B/S architecture online shopping system based on Web technology. Keywords: SSH, Tomcat, MySQL, online shopping.