
0 下载量 36 浏览量 更新于2024-03-27 收藏 1.29MB DOCX 举报
With the rapid development of information technology and network technology, human society has entered a brand new era of informationization, where traditional management methods are no longer efficient or convenient for information management. In order to meet the demands of the times, optimize management efficiency, and various management systems have emerged, with all industries gradually entering the era of information management. Pathology information management is one of the products of the transformation of the information age. This paper first introduces the background and current status of pathology information management technology, and then follows the conventional software development process. Firstly, the appropriate language and development platform are selected for the system, and the database structure is designed based on the requirements analysis. Next, the functional module diagram, process diagram, and E-R diagram of the system are drawn according to the design of the overall functional modules of the system. Then, a framework is designed and code is written based on the designed framework to implement the various functional modules of the system. Finally, the preliminary completed system is tested, mainly through functional testing, unit testing, and performance testing. The test results show that the system can achieve the required functions, with a good running condition and no obvious defects. In conclusion, this paper presents the design and implementation of a pathology information management system based on Java technology. The system follows a systematic development process and successfully leverages Java technology and B/S mode to provide efficient and effective management of pathology information. This system can effectively meet the demands of the information age and optimize management efficiency in the field of pathology information management.