Dash, John Mark Agosta, and Marzia Polito were of key assistance in launching the ma-
chine learning library. Rainer Lienhart, Jean-Yves Bouguet, Radek Grzeszczuk, and Ara
Nefian were able technical contributors to OpenCV and great colleagues along the way;
the first is now a professor, the second is now making use of OpenCV in some well-known
Google projects, and the others are staffing research labs and start-ups. There were many
other technical contributors too numerous to name.
On the software side, some individuals stand out for special mention, especially on the
Russian software team. Chief among these is the Russian lead programmer Vadim Pisare-
vsky, who developed large parts of the library and also managed and nurtured the library
through the lean times when boom had turned to bust; he, if anyone, is the true hero of the
library. His technical insights have also been of great help during the writing of this book.
Giving him managerial support and protection in the lean years was Valery Kuriakin, a
man of great talent and intellect. Victor Eruhimov was there in the beginning and stayed
through most of it. We thank Boris Chudinovich for all of the contour components.
Finally, very special thanks go to Willow Garage [WG], not only for its steady nancial
backing to OpenCV’s future development but also for supporting one author (and pro-
viding the other with snacks and beverages) during the nal period of writing this book.
Thanks for Help on the Book
While preparing this book, we had several key people contributing advice, reviews, and
suggestions. Thanks to John Markoff, Technology Reporter at the New York Times for
encouragement, key contacts, and general writing advice born of years in the trenches.
To our reviewers, a special thanks go to Evgeniy Bart, physics postdoc at CalTech, who
made many helpful comments on every chapter; Kjerstin Williams at Applied Minds,
who did detailed proofs and verification until the end; John Hsu at Willow Garage, who
went through all the example code; and Vadim Pisarevsky, who read each chapter in de-
tail, proofed the function calls and the code, and also provided several coding examples.
There were many other partial reviewers. Jean-Yves Bouguet at Google was of great help
in discussions on the calibration and stereo chapters. Professor Andrew Ng at Stanford
University provided useful early critiques of the machine learning chapter. There were
numerous other reviewers for various chapters—our thanks to all of them. Of course,
any errors result from our own ignorance or misunderstanding, not from the advice we
Finally, many thanks go to our editor, Michael Loukides, for his early support, numer-
ous edits, and continued enthusiasm over the long haul.
Gary Adds . . .
With three young kids at home, my wife Sonya put in more work to enable this book than
I did. Deep thanks and love—even OpenCV gives her recognition, as you can see in the
face detection section example image. Further back, my technical beginnings started with
the physics department at the University of Oregon followed by undergraduate years at
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