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MIL-STD-116B, issued on March 15, 1963, supersedes MIL-STD-116A from March 27, 1959. This military standard document pertains to ring gages, thread gages, and related thread-setting plug gages, specifically referring to class X gages. The purpose of these gages is to ensure the accuracy and precision of threaded components in military applications. The use of these gages is vital in maintaining the quality and interchangeability of threaded parts, which is crucial for the functionality and reliability of military equipment. The standards outlined in MIL-STD-116B are essential for manufacturers, inspectors, and users of threaded components to adhere to in order to meet the stringent requirements of the military. Adherence to these standards not only ensures the proper fit and functionality of threaded components but also plays a critical role in the overall performance and safety of military equipment. As such, MIL-STD-116B serves as a comprehensive guide for the design, production, and inspection of military-standard threaded components, setting the benchmark for quality and reliability in military applications.
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